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An Ekphrasis of the Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange

Essay Instructions:

Choose a historical photo. It should be one of historical impact.

Write a minimum 800-word ekphrasis on it.

Use MLA formatting

Include an image of the photo.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
‘Migrant Mother’ by Dorothea Lange, 1936.
An Ekphrasis of the ‘Migrant Mother’
The Migrant Mother portrait echoes the struggles faced by several Americans during the great depression between 1929 to 1939. During this time, America faced a decade of harsh economic times and extremely unfavorable weather conditions (A & E Television Networks). During those days, Dorothea Lange, a reckoned and renowned photographer, took the Migrant Mother. The photo's title shows that the woman captured in the photo is a migrant (Schreiber, 348). The photo depicts a mother with her three children, clearly in a sad state. They look frustrated, tired, and poverty-stricken. Two children are leaning against the mother, facing away from the camera.
Due to the picture quality, it is difficult to see the color of their attires, though they show a state of poverty. The mother's blouse appears rugged and only covers her arms up to the elbow. The attire worn by the child leaning on the mother's left appears grey in color and has two small holes. Furthermore, that child appears to have a bruise on his left arm. The attire worn by the child on the mother's right appears to be oversized. All their clothes appear to have stains, and one can tell they have not been washed for some time now. The mother is holding one of her children, the youngest, on her lap, wrapped in a blanket and fast asleep. She seems far away in thought, as she is holding her chin and probably wondering what to do next. The depressed state could have taken a good toll on her, but she seems like a fighter. She may have been defeated, but her strength still peaks through. One can see the determination and the strength she has in supporting her three children no matter the situation at the moment.
The mother in this photo is exclusively responsible for the well-being of her three children. This can be seen in how they all lean and seek comfort and solace from her. They understand how strong she has been, how she is willing to be, and how far she can go to ensure they are safe and protected. Her efforts to stand up for her children can be seen in how well their hair is maintained. Its volume shows that even though they have known difficulties, they have eaten and received care from a mother who has offered to do her best. Her efforts can...
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