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Fictional Analysis of Grace Paley’s A Conversation With My Father

Essay Instructions:

fictional analysis essay on GRACE PALEY-A Conversation with My Father

Essay One: Fiction Analysis Essay

Write a five-paragraph (introduction, 3 body paragraphs (1 for each topic), and a conclusion) analysis essay over 3 of the following topics: plot; narration and point of view; character; setting; symbolism and figurative language; and theme. Choose any short story from our book EXCEPT the ones we’ve read for class (both in class and as homework). Once you’ve chosen your story, choose the 3 literary aspects you want to focus on. This must be AT LEAST 500 words but shouldn’t exceed 750 words. Each day the essay


Minimum three body paragraphs are necessary, in addition to the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. The essay must also have MLA formatting and heading styles. There must be a solid, clear thesis statement, topic sentences and supporting details for every body paragraph, a clear summary statement, and the introduction and conclusion must add to the essay (not just be extra words). You must use 2 outside sources

Submit to Plagiarism Checker

Essays will be checked for plagiarism. To ensure your essay isn’t plagiarized, you may want to submit it to a plagiarism checker before final submission.

Use 7-Sentence Paragraph Structure

Each body paragraph must adhere to the 7-Sentence Academic Paragraph structure (see below):

1. Topic Sentence (Clear focus)

2. Concrete detail: State the first major point to back up your topic sentence.

3. Commentary: This sentence adds to the discussion of the concrete detail above.

a. It may summarize, add an opinion, elaborate or explain more information.

4. Commentary: This sentence adds to the discussion of the concrete detail above.

a. It may summarize, add an opinion, elaborate or explain more information.

5. Concrete Detail: State the second major point to back up your topic sentence.

6. Commentary: This sentence adds to the discussion of the concrete detail above.

a. It may summarize, add an opinion, elaborate or explain more information.

7. Concluding Sentence: A concluding sentence may do one of three things:

a. Paraphrase the topic sentence

b. Transition to the next idea (touch on key point from topic sentence and then lead into

next idea to be covered in next paragraph)

c. Provide a philosophical statement

sources use:

Paley, Grace. “A Conversation with My Father.” The Norton Introduction To Literature: Shorter 13th Edition, edited by Kelly J. Mays, W. W. Norton & Company, 2019, 50-54

Dugan, John Raymond. “Setting (Excerpt from Illusion and Reality: A Study of Descriptive Techniques in the Works of Guy De Maupassant).” Guy De Maupassant, Chelsea House, 2021. Bloom's Literature, online.infobase.com/Auth/Index?aid=103940&itemid=WE54&articleId=5572. Accessed 12 Feb. 2023.

Chin, Mei. “Exploring the Works of Anton Chekhov.” Anton Chekhov, Chelsea House, 2002. Bloom's Literature, online.infobase.com/Auth/Index?aid=103940&itemid=WE54&articleId=1461. Accessed 12 Feb. 2023.

The annotated Bibliography i wrote:

Grace Paleys short story plays into a discussion between the narrator and her bedridden father. Her father's dying wish, in which he asks her to create a story for him. A simple story that resembles what “MauPASSant or Chekhov wrote,” one that establishes a character and writes about what happens to them after. As she creates a story and presents it to her father, each time, he is dissatisfied with what she presents despite recognizing her distinct style. This is because of the stories that Grace Paley creates; rather than agreeing with her father that a tragedy ends in tragedy, she recognizes that there is hope until there is no more hope. The story uses the relationship between a parent and his child to distinguish that hope is not linear. There are no limitations to possibilities if there is an opportunity to change. The author uses narration, plot, and theme to distinguish the father's thoughts from his daughters. One comes from an earlier period with limitations, while the younger comes from a period of possible opportunities. We see this as Paley wrote a story about a drug addict mother, whom Paley's father firmly believes that the mother has no future. Paley does not believe that the drug-addicted character is locked into her situation since she is still young. This essay explores the thoughts and ideas of two conflicting individuals who grew up in different periods of history that shifted their perspectives. The ending of the story shifts from trying to write what her father wanted her to write to an ending that she wants to write for herself.

thesis statement i attempted to write

Thesis statement: The story uses the relationship between a parent and his child to distinguish that hope is not linear. There are no limitations to possibilities if there is an opportunity to change. The author uses narration, plot, and theme to distinguish the father's thoughts from his daughters. One comes from an earlier period with limitations, while the younger comes from a period of possible opportunities.

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February 13, 2023
Fictional Analysis – Paley’s A Conversation with My Father
Understanding the various themes of fictional essays is essential for every reader. It allows for a better appreciation of how the author used various literary elements to deliver and convey the story's narration. Accordingly, this article will focus on Paley's A Conversation with My Father. Paley's "A Conversation with My Father" is a short story that employs a variety of literary elements to captivate the reader. Specifically, the elements analyzed in this article include (1) narration and point of view, (2) character, and (3) setting. In this essay, I will analyze how each of these elements contributes to the story's overall impact. The author believes the story uses the relationship between a parent and his child to distinguish that hope is not linear. There are no limitations to possibilities if there is an opportunity to change.
A Conversation with My Father
First, the narration and point of view in "A Conversation with My Father" are critical to understanding the story's meaning. The story is narrated from the first-person perspective of the protagonist, the author's alter ego. A first-person point of view gives the reader a unique insight into the protagonist's thoughts and feelings, making the story more personal and relatable (Jenkins, 2022). Additionally, first-person narration helps to create a sense of intimacy between the reader and the protagonist, which is essential in exploring the complex relationship between the protagonist and her father.
Second, the characters in "A Conversation with My Father" are also an essential aspect of the story, especially when portraying the idea of hope. The protagonist and ...
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