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Educational Vignette

Essay Instructions:
Write a detailed vignette of an educational experience from your past. Think of a class, or an occasion outside of class to serve as a quick example of what Freire calls the \"banking\" concept of education, where students were turned into \" containers\" to be \"filled\" by their teachers. If Freire is to be useful to be useful to you, however, he must do more than enable you to call up quick examples. He should allow you to say more than that a teacher once teated you like a container or that a teacher once gave you your freedom. Write an essay that focuses on a rich & illustrative incident from your own educational experience and read it as Freire would. You will need to provide careful detail: things that were said and done, perhaps the exact wondering of an assignment, a textbook or a teachers comments.
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Educational Vignette
School is a nightmare to students and if there were options of skiving class, students would take it in open arms. However, they have no options but sit down quietly and listen to long lectures some of which they don’t understand a thing. The mathematics class remains one of my boring classes and at most class times I would just sit still and stare the teacher as he gave his lessons and wrote endless calculations on the board.
I cannot forget this one day as we had a double lesson in mathematics, the teacher came in and with his usual script he greeted us “Good Morning Class” in unison the class responded “Good Morning Teacher”. His next statement got the class to stare in awe; not because it was out of the ordinary but because he mentioned a subject that many dreaded from the description of others who had studied it. “Today we will study the topic on Algebra” is what he loudly said. From his expression one would tell the subject required everyone to sit up and pay attention in order to grasp a single concept.
Personally mathematics was not my favorite; neither did I enjoy any part of the subject as it proved complicated and hard. To add insult to injury any hard topic would be a complete turn down for me. In most instances I would recognize the teacher look at me at many times to ensure I was attentive and not drawn by my day dreams of my favorite art subjects as he taught. This day was no different; as he started writing on the board he would constantly bombard me with numerous questions on every ste...
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