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Don Quixote

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The instructions will be in the pdf file i'll upload the only source needs to be "Don Quixote" by Cervantes
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The Don Quixote is a novel that Miguel Cervantes wrote. The novel describes the adventures of a character, Alonso Quijano. The character reads many of chivalry novels. He sets out on a mission to revive chivalry with a disguise of Don Quixote. Sancho Panza becomes his squire. Sancho initiates themes like literally representation, intertextuality, metatheatre and realism according to the view of the world. Sancho plays a role of a knight. He uses rhetorical orations with a remarkable Earthly Wit.
Cervantes aims at putting to rest for all time the foolish and false tales of books of chivalry. He is sure to show the effects of too much chivalry as shown by Don Quixote. With an illustration, from the book where an innkeeper calls Don a knight for him to leave the inn. Cervantes depicts how living a fantasy causes characters to believe they are what they are not.
In the book, the local barber and the housekeeper burn most of Don Quixote`s chivalry books while he lays unconsciousness in bed. They try putting an end to Don`s over imaginative mind. The author also tries to end the chivalry madness in reference to another case scenario. Don and Sancho attend a funeral ceremony of a student who left to become a shepherd after he read these books.
As Don and Sancho continue with their adventure, they meet up with many chivalric readers. These chivalry books have the same effects on these readers as Don. They are on quests for love, money, happiness and all worldly things. They are out to find all these after reading these books. The author highlights their presence as an adverse effect of too much imagination.
These adventures have a lot of effects on Don and Sancho. They indulge in violence, getting injuries, humiliations and debts. The author tries to discourage the chivalry readers with these kinds of negative effects. The author discourages individuals who would want to lead such a life. A life if fantasy leads to loss, misery and a part of us is not true. These chivalry books leave us damaged to the point of destruction.
Cervantes is putting to rest for all time the foolish and false tales of books of chivalry by sighting the kinds of activities that th...
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