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Do We Need to Understand Business Etiquette?

Essay Instructions:
This should be an argumentative essay. First, I want to show different business etiquette and culture between America (Western culture) and Korea (Asia culture). I need to explain why understanding other cultures and etiquette in business is important (for Westerners). I also need a counter-argument and refutation before I have a conclusion. My outline would be 1. Introduction -Hook or issue proposal -Is understanding etiquette and other cultures important? -Thesis: Understanding other cultures and etiquette in business is very important in the era of globalization because it can maximize the potential of any business through the favorable presentation of people. 2. Body - Explain and Compare Korean (Asia) culture and Western culture. - Explain contemporary Western business etiquette : Based on American ideals of individualism and self-reliance. - Asia culture is based on Confucianism. Ex) The notion of kibun (literally translated as pride or state of mind) 3. Counterargument / refutation -Counterargument : Negative opinion about understanding global etiquette. (show examples) -Refutation : Reemphasize the importance of etiquette to be successful in Asian countries 4. Conclusion
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Do We Need to Understand Business Etiquette?
Business Etiquette is concerned with the way one carries out his or her business linking other businesses and their customers while being respectful and considerate to them always. Customers depend upon the business person or dealer for proficiency and information, therefore a dealer needs to be of great assistance by acting in great decency and be reliable (Brody & Pachter, 67). Civility and politeness is important in a business situation whether you are talking on phone or dealing with a client and members of staff on word of mouth.Etiquette includes serving your customers without keeping them waiting.
The places of work in America has different kinds of employees or workers who originate from different cultures and that is why it is important that everyone gets to be well acquainted with each culture so as to get rid of misunderstanding by ensuring fruitful communication. As you move from one culture to the other, you find that people think in different ways and out of this it are easy for these people to have conflicts when brought together in a job or business circumstance.Skirmishes and miscalculations can result to very undesirable work upshot (Fox, 41). People can get annoyed and pull outthe minute the clashes have developed. Miscommunication can really be discouraging at the place of work since it makes people not to perform well at times when they get heated or when they choose to take out. Misunderstanding has been quite common among some people dealing in business hence reducing the efficiency of work in those businesses (Roberts, 59).
Any kind of business will come up with a mission during its initiation and establishment; however, these missions that are normally formulated are only effective and can be implemented when the people in the business relate well through communicating with each other well and understanding each other. Without business etiquette, this cannot be effective. The best work is done if people can associate well with one another and all the business directors should consider that their main focus in managing a business. They need to observe the relationship that exists between members of staff and work hard at creating a team that can perform well. It is good to identify the weak points of every worker and know their differences so that you are not putting two people who have differences in the same team because that would fail the performance of that team hence leading to an undesirable output.
In a workplace,there is something referred to as job politics that creates a lot of issues in a company since workers can form unlike groups and this may disturbthe business particularly in debates. The administratormust know how to maintain a low job politics to ensure that members of staff are not running into socialconflicts. This is only gotten rid of by formulating a decent policy implementationat the place of work. Personnelin this day and agehave become so diverse originating from all corners of this world we live. This makes it an advantage at some point in several ways; in addition to that it turns out to be an issue of conflict. Some people like doing particular things in a manner that is contrary to the expected hence leading to misunderstanding among workmates (DuPont, 78). For example, the manner in which verbal and nonverbal forms of communication are conducted is entirely different among sets of workers. This implies that work ethics turns out to bedifferent as well. Some groups prefer the9 a.m. to 5 p.m.jobs while some prefer casual jobs. Even though typecasts are never real sometimes, they still exist in people.
Focusing on the Americans, you find out that legal contract is what is used as a way of conducting business. They will either give a yes or a no for an answer; they do not care about creating some kind of a workrapport. They just link directly with every one and they are so frank even when they know they will interfere with the way a person feels about what they say. Sometimes they are dull. Americans like parity and sovereignty and that is the reason as to why they always want their managers to go by all the procedures. This is not as it is with other cultures. For instance, in the Asian culture and other Eastern countries, legal contracts are not used in business. People care a lot about how others feel and they try to relate well with each other so that they do not hurt any ones feelings.Asians do not give no or yes for an answer because they think of that as being rude. In order for Asians to progress in their businesses, they work hard at building good relationships in businesses (Sabath, 55).
On the other hand, there are still a number of Eastern cultures that lack freedom and equivalence due to their government repetition. This becomes a problem to a business with people from such kind of cultures because they become the center of conflicts due to having misunderstanding from other groups (Brody & Pachter, 69). With all this in mind, it is undoubtedly true that understanding etiquette and other cultures is important in a place of work. Understanding other cultures and etiquette in business is very important in the era of globalization because it can maximize the potential of any business through the favorable presentation of people.
Comparison between the Korean culture and the Western culture
The Korean culture focuses on multitudes or collectivism. It bases its practices on people and humanity. To work out how man relates with nature, the Korean culture tries tointegrate man and the heavens as an item. It resolvesman to manaffiliation using tolerance and ethics; and stresses on internal cultivation to resolve what connects man to spiritualism. The Korean culture honors peace and focuses on mean and steadiness and does not encourage radicalism. It paystribute to the earth and the heavens and bears reminiscence to the motherland since they are farmers by civilization hence they are more disposed tonot forgetting their acreage. This kind of culture expands from within it does externally (Blue, par 1).
The Western culture is founded on individuality than collectivism, for example, in America; rights are formulated in consideration to the individual and not the entire society.In Korea, it is evidently not the same since its culture positions the family or rather humanity above one self. Western culture is based on exploration and adventure because Americans like to explore and invent things and expand on existing knowledge when they discover them; whereas in Korean culture, people pay no much attention on exploration. The American culture is full of science that seeks to resolve how people relate with nature. The Western culture resolves man to man relationships using the law yet in Korea, law is not well implemented. In America, one would pray whenever he/she has a problem since they use religion and god to work out spiritualism. The American culture expands and grows externally rather than internally.
The Asian cultures vary from the Shinto, Capitalist of Japan, the Confucian, Buddhist, Mahayana Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Shamanistic ethnicities of South Korea, Marxist, Spiritist Thailand to China people who worship ancestors with Hindu just to mention but a few. A lot varies among these groups with reference to economic growth and culture. Generally speaking, a number of Asians in the South East, not counting Vietnam, was factually most subjectiveto the traits of Indian culture evident today. On the other hand, the other parts of the Eastern part of Asia like Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and Japan were largely predisposedtothe culture in China. Nonetheless, each part of Asia turned out to have its own exceptional culture and this had a great role in expressing and identifying each of the contemporarybeneficiarynations.
In contrast, the Western culture is destined to its sluggish growth and execution of new concepts. America took two hundred years to be industrialized yet Japan took a few years since it just spent a short period of time imitating what the Western culture attempted to work on for so long. This is the main dissimilarity in the two abundant cultures. Unlike other cultures, the Korean culture is capable of executing innovative and influential concepts and combin...
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