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Cellphones' Distraction While Driving Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Write an argument essay of 4 pages (no less than 4 pages) -- not including the Works Cited Page. Include a specific topic -- avoiding over-used topics like: politics, Marijuana legalization, and Abortion. Then, remember to include specific research that is less than 25% of your final essay. Plagiarism will not be accepted. Include 3 sources (but no more than 4 sources). Include: an introduction paragraph with a thesis at the end, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Also, remember to avoid overly generalized web sites such as: Wikipedia and blogs, and include credible websites. Remember to review our in-class notes regarding research. Include a paragraph before the conclusion that includes the opposing viewpoints. Then, remember to include a paragraph for the opposing side before the conclusion. Also, remember to include MLA citations and MLA formatting. Upload your Research Essay by the date and time specified below. Read Chapter 20 for information regarding MLA citing and MLA formatting.

Remember to use transitional wording to connect your ideas.

Drivers have long tried to manage any number of distractions ranging from eating a snack and reading a map to dealing with unruly children in the backseat and putting on makeup. But with the increasing popularity of cellphones and texting, distracted driving has emerged as a central concern of safety experts. Studies indicate that distractions are involved in more than 5,000 traffic fatalities every year. Most states have enacted laws to restrict texting or talking on handheld cellphones, and policymakers face calls for a near-total ban even on hands-free communications devices — including those that are built into the dashboards of new cars and heavily marketed by automakers. But even if more restrictive laws were passed, many motorists would find it hard to set aside the devices they have come to rely upon to make business and personal calls and also to check websites or update their Facebook pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cellphones’ Distraction While Driving
Most major roads will have a bright white road sign with a cellphone and a prohibition sign on it. This is relative to the danger that using the cellphones while drive poses to the rods users. Previously much of the caution was on the drivers that drive under the influence of drugs, with alcohol getting the most recognition. Cellphones have become central to the daily lives of most of the people in the city and elsewhere (Pyefinch, Jack). As a result, they tend to be a common distraction for most of the people when in class, walking, working at the office and the most recent one when driving. The level of distraction is quite significant relative to the amount of available content online and the level of connectivity that the mobile devices offer the users. As such, most of the users are constantly checking their phones to read, watch or listen to the content that they have on their social media accounts or simply read up content on the article available online among other material such as books and magazines. As such, cellphones have become a central part of the daily activities. Most importantly is the fact that they have made every live operation much easier is crucial to consider. Aspects like checking the mail and replying to them is easier. One can even place video calls from the comfort of their office or in this case their can and hold a meeting while still on the move. This is fete that would have been impossible to achieve a few years ago. The ability to connect with other persons across the globe is now effortless. Most importantly is the ability to share information in an instance and with an unlimited amount of people. As such, cellphones have brought about unlimited growth in the communication sector all of which have led to a windfall of advantages to the society at large. However, it is important to consider the level of distraction that the cellphones have brought to the transport system especially with reference to the road segment. Most of the drivers receive and reply to texts and chats while at the wheel endangering not just the occupants of the car but also other road users (Pyefinch, Jack).
Driving while using s cellphone has been rated as dangerous as driving while drunk. The likelihood of crashing increases by roughly four time, when the driver starts to use the mobile devices while at the wheel and driving. It is common for people to be advised to take their friends car keys when they are drunk and call them a cab or drive them home. This is an aspect that should also be incorporated with reference to the cellphones use when driving.
‘According to a report by “The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society”, over 2,600 automobile deaths are caused by cellphone related distractions. Over 330,000 people in the United States sustain injuries from cellphone distracted drivers. Only some states have laws against using cellphones while driving. Other states have chosen only to limit the use of cellphones while driving, and have left it to local jurisdictions to determine their own laws related to driving and talking on a cellphone. This results in confusion for an increasingly transient United States culture.’ (US Legal Inc.)
More than 330,000 people getting injuries from using cellphones when driving is a significant figure to be considered as a hazard (US Legal Inc.). More impor...
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