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Undecided Research Assignment: Role Of Women In Society

Essay Instructions:

Teacher ask us to have a center main idea, three body paragraph with three argument each, every argument need a two examples to support and explain.

Introduction need to include those argument, and to each specific arguments. Main argument should be "the role of women in society", also "women and domestic life". Shall talk about the society marriage condition at that time, the married women cant get their freedom. The purpose of the writer who wrote this story was to protect women rights. Can references or quote some of the sentence in this story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Role of Women in Society
The role of women in the society has evolved significantly from taking the submissive and passive role in the families and within the societies to taking up more active roles in an attempt to make social and cultural changes in the societies. Traditionally, the women were perceived to take active roles in being wives; cooking, cleaning and child bearing and raising. The subsidiary roles further relegated the perception of the women in the society. The men, who considered themselves above the women, had active roles in taking care of the need of the family in paying bills and in active politics. However, the roles and position of women in the society have greatly changed and are continuing to change. The women have taken active roles in politics, education and taken jobs so that they become self-reliant. For instance, women have become presidents and headed prominent organizations. Some have become authors and writers, pilots and any other professions that were initially considered for men. Men and the women need to work harmoniously to bring positive cultural change. The story was written in first person narration and through her, the wife to John, the reader gets to understand and feel the pain, agony and psychological suffering she went through. According to the narration, women were not involved in the decision-making process, were not expected to have careers and had confined roles in the marriage life.
The traditional society sidelined the role of women into more submissive roles in the family and the society at large. The women were not involved in the decision-making process. They were expected to adhere to the agreed decisions, whether they would affect them negatively or positively. The women had no active voice in the running of the affairs of the family, but rather flowing with the current. They had to live with the decisions that were made on their behalf by their perceived partners and companions. John made decisions that negatively affected his wife, but the wife had neither the power nor the confidence to air her voice or opinion (Gilman 4). She knew that John on the pretense of caring and loving her would always consider her opinion and points of view as inferior. He had a condescending attitude towards his wife and never consulted her in the decisions that had a direct bearing on her mental health and well-being. In the efforts to make his wife recover from the nervous breakdown that had been induced by a lot of stress, John took the decision to have a three-month vacation in a lonely old and scary environment that did more harm than good for the mental health of the wife (Gilman 3). She never understood why they had to live for three months in that house because it seemed abandoned and unattended. The scary nature of the house worsened her mental stability, and in her attempts to make her husband understand that her mental health was at stake and it would have been better if she was taken away from such environment, the husband strongly opposed the idea. He had...
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