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Different thought

Essay Instructions:

You will be writing a Personal Narrative. You are going to tell me a story about your own experiences dealing with people who think differently than you.

For simplicity, you might want to think of one specific incidence of disagreement.

Have one paragraph for each of the following questions:

• Begin your paper by telling me about the situation (Who was involved? When was it? Where did it take place?)

• Explain how you handled the encounter.

• Were you satisfied with the results?

• What would you do differently? What will you do differently next time?

• How can you apply this advice when engaging with the ideas of others in writing?

Remember to have an opening that capture’s the audience’s interest, clearly describe the story’s setting, use vivid, concrete details, and make sure your story has a clear point. You may use visuals in your story if you want.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Different Thought
We would have quickly resolved the agreement had one of us wanted to mitigate the quarrel. Running back the memory lane to that day, I fail to believe that I acted the way I did. Like an endless loop, that argument runs in my mind while I speculate multiple ending that could have been possible if one of us had acted differently. I sat across the table with my summer boss while he reclined in his bossy chair with the latest magazine resting on his stomach. At his office, I was doing some paperwork he had assigned to me during the previous summer holidays. From my position at the table, I was only visible via his eyeglasses perched at the tip of his nose. The summer boss produced occasional grunts as he peeked through his spectacles attentively, analyzing the magazine's front page. As the boss went on reading the magazine, his eyes appeared to broaden as if he had come face to face with a ghost. The boss shocks his head carefully from side to side while complaining to himself grumpily. He suddenly comes to the end of the page and immediately threw the magazine through the table. "Can you believe it? GLOBAL WARMING!" he shouted, staring at me in the eye. "What a huge piece of crap!" He then looked down and mumbled to himself, "Global warming…" I stopped with my paperwork and stared at him, mesmerized by his passionate act. "You-You don't believe that global warming is real?" "No! Global warming is a fraud. Blasphemous political garbage! Don't say you also believe in the hoax?"
Looking at him sited across the table, his furrowed face twisted in extreme expectation, I came face to face with uncertainty. Sited across the table was a person I respected, who happened to be the superior-a person I had gratitude towards, a person I regarded as a friend, and who I want to make happy above it all. All along, I said to myself, "Should take up the fight or should I choose to flight?" "Yes, I do, Sir." I could sense the intensity of the silence and disbelief in the room. He looked at me in suspicion. One of his newly hired interns had just challenged his ...
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