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American Dream (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

You will compare and analyze how a chosen myth or symbol appears in two different forms of media of your choice and discuss how that myth or symbol has persisted in America. To do so you should answer the following questions:

1. What is the myth/symbol?

2. Why does this myth/symbol matter?

3. What evidence can you provide that people believe in the myth/symbol?

4. What is the influence of the myth in present-day American culture or views of America?

Please note: The use of the word “myth” often makes people want to write a paper disproving a popular false belief about American culture. While this can be a useful exercise, and you may include some evidence of the myth’s falsehood in your paper, the most important task you need to complete in the paper is not disproving the myth so much as explaining the influence and power of the myth despite the fact that it is false.

Examples (feel free to use): American Dream, Thanksgiving, Manifest Destiny, Discovery & Conquest, City on a Hill, Pocahontas (Indian Princesses), Cowboys & Indians, George Washington’s Teeth, Johnny Appleseed, Abraham Lincoln as the Great Emancipator, The Battle of the Alamo, the Maid of the Mist, and various others.


● Select at least one form of media that represents a single cultural theme, symbol, persistent idea, ideological structure, or “myth” of America. (Including, but not limited to current popular culture and/or news sources such as advertisements, news articles, podcast episodes, novels, poems, short stories, films, television show episodes, political speeches, songs and music videos);

● You must connect at least two assigned course readings AND one additional researched source;

● Answer the questions listed above.

Reading File 1,2,3,4 are from Keywords for American Cultural Studies, Second Edition 2nd Edition

by Bruce Burgett (Editor)

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American Dream
The American dream is a national ethos of the United States that all individuals in America, regardless of their origin, class, or ethnicity, can attain their version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American dream is achieved through taking risks, sacrifice, and hard work and not through chance (Wolak and Peterson 968). An individual must work towards fulfilling their success and happiness to attain the American dream.
Notably, the American dream appears in various forms of media, such as political speeches. Politicians encourage citizens and anyone willing to relocate to the United States that the American Dream is attainable. For instance, Barrack Obama, the first black American to become president in the United States, has a motivating slogan of "Yes we can" that offered a believable and fresh perspective that people can achieve success (“Yes we can” 3:17-3:30). The success portrayed the significance of the American dream.
Why Does the American Dream Matter?
The American Dream concept is that the United States is the land of opportunity, and everyone can achieve success and happiness through hard work. The American dream becomes appealing because some people have overcome social, political, and economic barriers to become successful (Wolak and Peterson 969). As a result, the ideology of the American dream promotes hard work among the United States citizens.
The philosophy of the American dream is essential in eradicating poverty among its citizens. According to the American dream, all people can become successful if they accept social, political, and economic barriers and work hard. According to Rebecca Wanzo, framing futility in ways that recognize historical injuries and de-romanticize narrate of progress, theorists of the future work to imagine worlds in which survival and justice are possible (Wanzo 121). In this respect, the American dream of attaining success is achievable to all who are visionary and work hard.
Additionally, poetry is not a luxury by Audre Lorde encourages people to attempt the actions that their dreams imply. The author stresses the importance of moving towards change. Lorde suggests that poetry plays an integral role in motivating people towards positive change and realizing their dreams (Lorde 38). Similarly, the American dream's philosophy encourages the citizens to work hard to overcome social, political, and economic barriers and strive to achieve happiness. Barack Obama, in his eyes, we can speech, says that there is no problem that cannot be solved and no destiny that Americans cannot fulfill ("yes we can" 4:44-4:53). Therefore, one can achieve success and happiness through hard work and determination.
Evidence that people believe in the American Dream
The American dream is a reality...
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