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Romanticism and transcendentalism

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Your submissions should always be in MLA Style: Essay three will be 750-1,000 words required. Please recall that the 750-word range is the minimum requirement and just meets the assignment for an average grade consideration. Quality work, however, may slide the earned grade some, but not likely by two rubric levels. In the upper left-hand corner of the paper, place your name, the professor's name, the course name, and the due date for the assignment on consecutive lines. Double space your information from your name onward. All papers should be in size 10 or 12 Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins all the way around your paper. All paragraph indentations should be indented five spaces (one tab) from the left margin. All work is to be left justified. When quoting lines in literature, please research the proper way to cite short stories, plays, or poems
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Romanticism and transcendentalism
In an overall view, it is argued that romanticism and transcendentalism tend to be related closely. Many scholars and authors have made efforts to define these two terms in their own unique ways. Some say that, the ideas of transcendentalism were influenced by romanticism but their only differences are their views on individuals and nature. As transcendental ideas provided solutions about wisdom and virtue regarding nature as symbolic, romanticism on the other hand viewed man as a person with flaws and that the only perfect symbol in the entire universe was nature. The American and British literature, have always appreciated these two literary movements (Jacob 98). However, from a literary perspective, romanticiscm is seen as movement towards valuing emotion and away from logic ideals of enlightenment while transcendentalism was considered an individuals spiritual movement to the central universe (Messe 56). God is viewed as the Spiritual being that created all souls of the human race on the earth.
Some critics’ claim that romanticism actually stemmed out during the 18th century in Europe during the period of age enlightenment. Moreover, those who were campaigning for this movement refused the aristocratic ideals about natures’ scientific rationalizations. The followers were strongly rooted to emotional views on real experiences and nature and they went ahead to express these views through literature and art. On the other hand, the United States experienced the birth of transcendentalism during the 19th century period. Individuals who supported this movement strongly rejected the societal and cultural views on the body and mind and other ideals that defined how a society was governed.
Transcendentalists had a strong belief in spirituality and that mind and body were one. They also have a strong faith in individualism, nature and divinity powers. The most popular person who holds this mantle that supports transcendentalism is Ralph Waldo Emerson. He argues that the key for growth is self-realization and wisdom. Romanticism had its roots in Europe during the 18th century. An intellectual, literary and artistic movement that saw the rise of the industrial revolution. Transcendentalism also followed one decade after.
Transcendentalism movement saw the drastic transformation of America (Kruse 387). The incredible members of this movement provided moral and intellectual leadership for transformation in social life. During this time, slavery was on the rise since many immigrants were being shipped into the United States. In addition, women who had no jobs at that time were under pressure to engage in prostitution as means of getting income to feed their families, most of them were facing a lot of abuse from workmates and colleagues who were men. The immigrant population also saw the increase in child labor as children dropped out of schools to help out in the white mans’ fields and farms. Members of these movements advocated for the equal rights for women, educational reforms, abolition of slavery and freedom of religious thoughts and practice. The impact of transcendentalism strength came from two key individuals namely, Ralph Waldo Emerson and his influential disciple known as Henry David Thoreau.Proffessor Ashton Nicholas strongly believes that the United States would not have developed into a nation if it was not for Emerson and Thoreau (Pearce 44). That Emerson ...
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