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The Difference Between Men and Women's Leadership Styles

Essay Instructions:

Five Paragraph Format
Good writing—as noted in the grading rubric—combines the quality of well-written ideas with technical fluency. Good writing should also be clear and concise. The writing assignments in this course were created so that outside sources would not be necessary; it is your ideas and insights I am interested in reading!
The five paragraph format will keep your writing focused and easy to follow. Here’s how it works:
Paragraph #1: Introduction
What is the one main idea you are trying to present? It is always appropriate to begin your writing with one or two lines that outline “where you are going”. If you want to begin the introduction with your main idea right away, that is also acceptable. What is most important about the introductory paragraph is that you stay focused and present one idea to your reader.
Paragraph #2 Body
Paragraph #3 Body
Paragraph #4 Body
Paragraphs #2 - #4 each make one additional point that acts as support for the main idea presented in Paragraph #1. Offer relevant details and/or evidence for that one additional point only. When you have finished providing relevant details for that one point, move onto the next supporting paragraph, and provide details for that point only.
Paragraph #5 Conclusion
The conclusion of your writing provides a review of the main points made and an appropriate “wrap up” to the writing. New information or new ideas are not included in a conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Due Date
Male and Female Leadership Styles
Men and women in leadership positions tend to show similar traits like ambition, confidence, creativity, intelligence, and accountability. Any leader, regardless of gender, needs these traits to succeed because they occupy a demanding post. However, men and women apply these personal qualities differently, leading to different management strategies and leadership styles. For that reason, I believe that men and women demonstrate different styles when leading others. This difference is attributed to physical, emotional, and psychological factors.
From an individual perspective, men often demonstrate a transactional leadership style: a leadership that focuses on supervision, control, and performance. Leaders who adopt this style motivate their followers through rewards and punishments. They have more control and a command system while communicating with subordinates. I believe male leaders tend to stick to this approach because they intend to achieve specific goals and see their team’s performance as a series of independent transactions, each of which must receive a reward or punishment. These leaders do not explain their decisions and expect their followers to concentrate on their duties. They usually have minimum engagement with their employees because they are dominant figures with stern expectations.
On the other hand, female leaders tend to favor the transformational leadership style: a style where leaders and their followers motivate and raise one another to higher levels. This style emphasizes leading by example to allow followers to understand their superiors’ vision and values. It requires a high level of communication, coordination, and cooperation. Unlike men, female leaders p...
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