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Depiction of the Ups and Downs in Life in the Song Conqueror by Estelle

Essay Instructions:


Word count: minimum of 500 words, maximum of 600 (not including appendix)

Submission types: .doc, .docx, and .pdf files

Format: MLA with an appendix

Due: No later than 11:59 p.m. March 6th.

Assignment Criteria

Popular music is sort of like the poetry of our day, only much more invasive. Although we can ignore poetry almost completely whenever we want by just closing a book, we are constantly bombarded with song lyrics on the road, in stores, at the gym, and many other places we go on a daily basis. That's a lot of text to be subconsciously consuming. You have to wonder: What sort of messages are being stuffed into your brain without your say so? Even when it comes to some of our favorite songs, how can we be sure we really know what they're about
While we often assume we know what certain songs are about, can we really be 100% sure without diving deeper?

For this assignment, your task is to interpret and analyze the lyrics of a song. Essentially, you will do a close reading of a song similar to the close readings of The Road Not Taken and Ozymandias that I shared with you. Only in this case, you'll be writing a paper about it.

Assignment Steps

First: Choose a song that is neither too long nor short. It should be the sort of tune you would hear on the radio. Ideally, the song you choose will offer you a bit of a rigorous challenge. For instance, something as straightforward as the Happy Birthday song isn't a good choice for his assignment. Similarly, songs like Day O! (the one about the bananas) don't have enough meaningful content for you to puzzle out.

Next: Take a look at the Example Analysis Paper to get an idea of how you might write your own paper. You will find it below.

Then: Write a paper interpreting and analyzing the meaning of the song you chose. In addition to looking at the lyrics of the song itself, you can feel free to bring in other sources like interviews, articles, and anything else that seems relevant to your interpretation and analysis. Similarly, if you feel the instrumental elements of the song will support your reading, you can include those as well; however, please note that this should be only a minor addition to the overall work. Ultimately, you should focus on the song's lyrics and YOUR reading of them.

Your paper should include

An introduction with a clear thesis statement. While this isn't an extremely argumentative paper you'll be writing, you are making a claim about the meaning of a song, so it ultimately falls under the category of argumentative. Just so, be sure to include a thesis of sorts. Basically, you want to make sure to state what you believe the meaning of your chosen song is up front before you begin to explain the song's meaning and defend your claim with evidence.

At least three quoted lines from the song (more than three if you want) which you use to (1) explain the meaning of the song to your audience and (2) defend your thesis.

A satisfying conclusion.

An appendix that includes at least: (1) the song's title, (2) the song's creator/writer/singer, and of course (3) the song's lyrics. You will find an example of an MLA appendix below.

A works cited page. This is MLA after all. No plagiarism is allowed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Moyle
ENGL B1B 74363
06 November 2021
Conqueror by Estelle
Artists express their feelings, emotions, and what they would want people to know in various media. Music is one of the media that can be used to pass a message to many people and allow the viewer to look at life from the standpoint of the music artist. Estelle’s song “Conqueror” is a song from her 2014 album True Romance. The song is about the many ups and downs in life, but the essence is not to give up on it. The aspects of various phases of life and people not believing in you are relatable across many people worldwide.
The song starts with what primarily sets the pace to the main theme. The singer sings, “Life is like a big merry-go-round” (Estelle, Lyrics, Line 1). The singer expresses that life is not a straight line. It does not always go as people would expect it to go since it sometimes brings joys and sorrows as someone tries to reach their goals. The lyrics follow up by showing how not everyone will always be on your side and that they will always be talking but never making progress. This first stanza shows that if someone does nothing because of what people say, they will always be disappointed, yet the people are not affected or making an impact to better their lives.
The pre-chorus to the song is a powerful yet relatable section. The singer starts by saying, “You might fall on your face/But you gotta get up” (Estelle, Lyrics, Lines 9-10). In the normal world setting, failure is something that happens to every person at one point in their lives or another. The singer emphasizes how bad the failure can be by saying, “You might fall on your face” (Estelle, Lyrics, Line 9), but that does not mean it is the end of life. How someone handles their failure after they have gone through it is what matters. Someone can decide to stay down or wake up and go on with life.
The song’s main point is in the chorus, and it is never giving up. It speaks about overcoming all the obstacles that can come your way and never giving up despite the challenges it brings. The singer says, “I’d rather stand tall/Than live on my knees” (Estelle, Lyrics, Lines 11-12). She asserts that living in the place of failure and mind...
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