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Definition of Pride

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three page essay definition essay that defines the word \"Pride\". using various techniques of defiition {such as functions, negation, and example. I need is in text citation and conculsion.
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30 November 2011
Definition of Pride
The definition of the word pride depends on the perspective that one takes. According to me, pride is having a high opinion about oneself and accomplishments. However, when one demean others mainly because of their failures or incapacity, then pride takes a negative sense. In other words, pride can be positive or negative depending on perceptions given to it. Pride can be very constructive only if one doesn’t allow himself to be overtaken by egoism which gives pride a negative connotation (Williams and DeSteno, 1008).
Pride brings a feeling of greatness to a level that is higher than colleagues. Pride can be good but it can also be destructive. A proud person feels that he or she belongs to e higher caliber as compared to his friends. Such a person will many times look down upon other people. Such kind or pride is very destructive. Pride will make a person to create a public image that is very high in order to protect his or her true self which may not be as high as projected. A proud person thinks that other people belong to a lower class. He feels that he calls all the shots. Good people do not always enjoy associating with proud people.
Definition by Negation
In the negation sense of view, pride is not being ambitious. Pride cannot also be equated to egoism. Pride can take all the negative aspects of humility. Pride is not humility. Proud people will never allow others to be crowned heroes in their presence. They will do all they can to be termed as winners. Some even go to the extent of bribing to get their way to the top. Patience cannot be found in a person who has pride in his or her heart. Proud people will always desire to do things in a hurry. It should however be noted that a person may be proud without him not knowing. This aspect of life is always harbored in the heart for a long time. Religious people are scarcely proud. Such people always live in fear of God and reverence for him.
Pride can sometimes work for us or destroy us. One who is power hungry can do all they can to retain power. This level of pride can be so destructive to the point of death. People have always staged war because no one was willing to bow or take a low profile. Williams and DeSteno outlines that the human ego always wants to be at the top and to be valued. Hence, many resort to boastful acts of words (Williams and DeSteno 1010).
Pride has always been perceived to be negative. I disagree with this notion because pride can also help one to scale greater heights. In other words, when sets the bar higher for achievement, he or she will t...
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