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Rise of Outlaw Music

Essay Instructions:
The American Outlaw has always had a soundtrack to move to, from the outlaw ballads of the old west to the spit-in-your-face antagonism that punk rockers had for their live audiences. Peruse your iPod, pull out the old vinyl collection or grab a CD and pick a song that you feel somehow exemplifies the “outlaw” experience. This could be Jay Z's “Big Pimpin'” glorifying an outlaw occupation, Bob Dylan's electric guitar at a live show or a syncopated jazz song defying the conventions of rhythm. Take any song that has an outlaw appeal, either explicitly or more subtly through form, content, melody, or composition and analyze the song lyrically, melodically, or any other way you see fit and then discuss how it veered from the norms and standards of its time and genre or how it somehow celebrated the outlaw lifestyle. You can also make use of any visual or other resources related to music and musicians including photos, magazine profiles, music videos and live performances. The lipstick and big hair of glam metal, Michael Jackson's military uniforms and Lady Gaga's cellophane dresses are all free game, as are the Stones' murderous debacle at Altamount Speedway, the festival atmosphere of love and drugs at Woodstock and the riotous physicality of the mosh pit at a punk or metal show. Make sure to cite any sources you use that discuss the song, reveal the lyrics and melody, or otherwise focus on the song, the artist and/or the movement from which it came. Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, title 2 pages of text minimum Works Cited page Use at least 2 sources Use textual evidence for support (cite page numbers for quotes/paraphrases)
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Rise of Outlaw Music
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Outlaw music
The United States of America still stands out as the most culturally diverse nation in the planet. Music is an important aspect in explaining this diversity. American music, from the early years, had a particular way of performance (Fox, 2006, p67). This trend was defied by the coming of the outlaw music in the early seventies. A group of musicians decided to come with this type of music that is done against the norms of the time.
The American outlaw is that genre of music that is unique. Everything about it is done not according to the way things are done at the time. In fact, the outlaw musicians themselves have adopted a lifestyle that seems rebellious to the society. This music is heavily metallic the normal genre.
Willie Nelson is one of the few living pioneers of the American outlaw music. He teamed up with other musicians in the early seventies to form a band known as The Highwaymen. These musicians defied all the codes of country music at the time. The group that included Cash, Jennings and Kristofferson produced their first single which was great a great success. This was a show of how well this type of music was received.
Outlaw music can be identified by the extremes of life. Willie Nelson has a very long hair that had not been cut for a long time (Reid, 2004, p98). He leaves his hair hanging during performances to the delight of the crowd. This long hair covers his face during the peak of the shows. It eventually aids in capturing his audience.
Nelson never performs without his guitar. Since outlaw music is mostly metallic, performing with his guitar has always brought reality to the songs. It connects him, the audience and the song. Most of such songs are about love.
Drugs ar...
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