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Death Penalty in America Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Essay must be The Rogerian method of argumentation in the third person.
Thesis: The current healthcare system is ineffective for millions of people across the United States due to the exorbitant costs associated with insurance and the various fees associated with medical procedures.
Please use this as source:
Sutherland, Jason M., Ph.D. "Getting Past Denial — The High Cost of Health Care in the United States." The New England Journal of Medicine 361.13 (2009): 1227-230. Web. 10 Jan. 2015.
Please need by midday sunday!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Death Penalty in America
The recent healthcare reforms in the US have generated mixed results, what seems to be a golden opportunity has been underscored by various elements. Many citizens admit that healthcare is no longer affordable. Providing medical cover to uninsured individuals requires additional taxes to be raised which is becoming a public burden.
Even though medical expert supports the idea of minimizing spending by rationing needed care, the current health system is insufficient for millions of people. High exorbitant costs associated with insurance cover and medical procedures make health care services expensive. Several alternatives presented cannot solve the health reform crisis, the best solution is to reorganize and improve care by removing wasteful and irrelevant services (Sutherland et al 1228).
Reasons for exorbitant costs associated with insurance cover and medical procedures.
Legislators, physicians, and hospital administrators have adopted biases behavior assuming that sicker patients need more care than other healthy patients. Health care providers justify their rates of spending on patient sickness stating that they treat sicker and poorer patients compared to other regions. In reality, it is not easy to find places and examples where such explanation can be justified. For example, in Los Angeles, Medicare spending is approximate $ 10,810 per capita which is 15 percent which is higher compared to Minneapolis of 10 percent spending of $ 6,705 per capita (Sutherland et al 1229).
I agree that physicians should not be allowed to use one –off example to justify their biases behavior on spending. It is true that health is a determinant factor of health care spending, but differences in spending per region show a small variation in regional spending. The Dartmouth Atlas Study conducted between 2004 to 2005 with a sample representative of 15,487 provides insights on health status of individuals, their levels of income, health care Medicare spending with specific regions (Bach & Peter 571).
The survey used wage index to adjust price difference among different regions, in New York, health care spending was adjusted down by 30 percent and in Oklahoma increased by 12 percent. According to the survey, the association between income and annual Medicare spending indicate that healthy people are likely to spend averagely $ 3,469 annually those with poor health would spend six times which his $ 21,064. Self-reported health could be an indication of death according to the study 2 percent of individuals in good health died by the end of the year compared to those who were aware they were in poor health (Bach & Peter 573).
The survey also presented findings based on Medicare spending base on the differences in income, race, other health factor and regional factors. The survey shows that individual with higher intensity received care worth $ 3,399 annuall...
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