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Cyber Crime

Essay Instructions:

Instructions Research Report 6 - The Final Research Paper The final research paper is the culmination of your writing and research this semester; this is your opportunity to compile your ideas into a cohesive, whole argument. You may use your Research Reports, your prospectus, and any other information you deem necessary to complete your final research paper. Your task is to write a 10 to 12 page research paper on the topic you chose to research this semester. The Final Research Paper Directions: 1. This paper must be typed in 12 point font (Arial or Verdana), double spaced, with standard margins on all sides. This paper should be 10 to 12 pages in length, not including the Works Cited page(s). 2. You will need to use MLA documentation for this paper. Please read and refer to the MLA section of "A Writer's Reference” for information specific to writing a paper in MLA format. You must follow correct MLA format when writing this paper. Unless otherwise specified in the assignment directions, your paper should follow the format guidelines on these pages. 3. You are required to acknowledge all research sources within the text of your writing as well as on the Works Cited page at the end of your paper. 4. For this paper, you are required to have a minimum of 8 to 10 research sources. Source Requirements: 1 Scholarly (Academic) Source (preferably more) 1 Personal Interview Source A well rounded combination of all other sources, including (but not limited to): Newspapers Books Magazine articles Online Web Sites Online Magazines/Newspapers Government Documents Other sources (lectures, personal experience, documentaries, etc.) Do not use Wikipedia, Encarta, or any other general online encyclopedia or dictionary, or any site that simply presents quotations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cyber crime
Increased adoption of Information Technology among users and corporate organizations has also increased vulnerability to cyber attacks as there are more networked computers. The internet has many benefits and has the potential to improve business operations as well as enhance education and social interaction. Nonetheless, cyber crooks are increasingly targeting computer networks to obtain information illegally. Cyber crime entails committing unlawful acts through computers, ancillary devices, sabotage of computer networks, cyber stalking, cyber fraud, identify theft and cyber sex crimes. Cyber crime can be committed against individuals, individual property, organizations and the society. Cyber crime differs from other forms of crime because cyber criminals mainly rely on the cyberspace, but the activities also threaten order (Brenner 10). This paper addresses the threat of cyber crime, nature of cyber crime, motives, and challenges in combating cyber crime and cyber crime legislations.
The threat of Cyber crime
Using computers has been one of the ways through which to maximize intellectual property. Nonetheless, there is a growing threat of cyber crime as more people and organizations rely on computers, meaning that the number of potential victims will increase over time (Yang & Hoffstadt 203). In essence, cyber criminals attacked manufacturers, information brokers and those conducting e-business. However, information brokers who handle large data and information on their customers are at even greater risk especially for criminals intent on using identity theft (Yang & Hoffstadt 204). There are laws dealing with cyber crime for different industries, and the digital media market was one of the early targets for cyber criminal, and hence there are many laws that have been made over time to deal with this.
As companies networks are increasingly connected to the internet the computer infrastructure becomes more vulnerable to cyber attacks, as computers store information on customers and may contain sensitive information. In any case, there are more people capable of committing cyber criminal activities for financial gain. Contrary to earlier times, one does not need technical knowledge on computers to launch computer attacks. There are more tech savvy people who can carry out cyber crime, and there are also enablers who can trade their expertise as well as sell computer software capable of infiltrating computer networks. Cyber crime can be committed by anyone with access to a computer from anywhere in the world, and anonymity of the internet may make it harder to apprehend cyber criminals from different corners of the world.
Recently, internet vulnerability has gained prominence with the discovery of ‘Heartbleed’. This bug is thought to affect two-thirds of the internet, whereby use of OpenSSL encryption software leaves users vulnerable to attack, as it is possible to get information on computer website servers (Clayton). Secure Socket Layer (SSL) has been relied upon as encryption software for business conducting electronic transactions. Thus, even data that was previously thought to be safe because of encryption can also be accessed illegally, and websites developers have in the fore front to improve security measures, but users of websites are also urged to change their passwords. Surprisingly, the OpenSSL version has been used in the internet for the past two years, and remote attackers with technical knowledge have the ability to infiltrate websites, and use secret keys website certificate to hoodwink users (Clayton).
Nature of cyber crime
Cyber crime presents a challenge to the financial services sector, because it is the financial institutions affected that bear the responsibility of covering the losses from cyber attacks (Bresiger 30). Cyber fraud experts state that in case of cyber attacks of a financial institution, the broker-dealer typically covers most of the cost, and this is set to increase the burden to financial exchanges and brokerages in the coming years. Furthermore, possibility that business will be liable for loss, in case of cyber crime means that there is a need for more vigilance in dealing with cyber attacks for the financial services industry. In 2011, cyber fraud led to $ 388 million losses showing that such criminal activities now surpasses trade in illegal hard drugs including heroin, cocaine and marijuana (Bresiger 30). Consequently, minimizing risks of cyber crime requires educational support, educational events and efforts to stop cyber crime, consulting and better technology to combat cyber fraud. At the same time, brokerage firms ought to assess the level of vulnerabilities often and improve security measures though risk assessment to make it harder for cyber criminals to infiltrate computer systems.
Cyber sex crimes and stalking
Proliferation of internet has also led to increased cyber sex crime cases especially child pornography, and exchange of sexual- related content being some of the non financial cyber crimes. Exchange of child pornography images and possession of such material is a cyber crime that puts that endangers the lives of children, and is a federal crime. Cyber sex crimes are some of the despicable acts that have caught the attention of law enforcement personnel, because they may involve predators who form international rings intent on exploiting vulnerable people in the society. At the same time, cyber stalking has emerged as a crime that targets people with no intent of financial gain. Nonetheless, the crime is harder to deal with because victims typically take time to report such incidences, the crime is seen as less threatening than other forms of cyber crime, and there are few legal tools to deal with online stalking.
Hacking and cracking
Hacking and cracking are used to illegally access computer networks, with hacking having evolved over time. Hacking is now a mass phenomenon because of internet availability across various computer networks. The idea behind hacking is to access computes by either breaking the password or bypassing password protection. This may involve entry through faulty software, use of spoofing websites to hood wink users in revealing their passwords, or installing software capable of storing password combinations. Joy riders may simple seek to prove there prowess in hacking, but there are others intent stealing sensitive financial information. Recently, hackers with a political mission ‘hacktivists’ have become prominent in championing their causes. Denial of service attacks and data manipulation is strategies used by hackers to limit access to computer use.
Phishing relies on similar methods to hacking but is simpler, whereby users are sent information through spam emails that then infect computer networks. Despite being one of the earliest techniques used by cyber criminals to obtain personal information, the technique is still in use. Pharming, Trojan horses and phish websites have being the mostly commonly used methods nowadays, but attaching toolkits through fake emails is now the most preferred method (Nykodym et al 253). Phishing typically targets sensitive information, and hence criminals may result to identify theft in order to profit from illegal online activities, and information can also be sold in underground cyber crime black markets.
Copyright and trademark violations
Copyright violations mostly affect digitized technology in the entertainment industry affecting movies and songs. Technological improvements have enabled mass production and distribution of digitally stored content, where duplication can easily be performed without loss in quality of the material. Illegal downloads and file sharing sites of copyright protected material have had negative effects on the entertainment industry. On the other hand, trademark violations infringe trademarks but are similar to copyrights violations. Criminals typically use trademarks to deceive and mislead users, the higher the value placed on a brand name the more likely that cyber crooks will try to fraudulently use the company’s trademark through online activities. The violation extends to having websites that bear resemblance to legitimate company websites, created with the intent of confusing website visitors.
Challenges in combating cybercrime
Increased reliance on IT infrastructure in the modern economy poses a challenge to security experts when dealing with the threat of cyber crime. Besides, businesses and organizations relying on computers, critical infrastructure involving water and energy sources also depend on computers, increasing vulnerability of critical infrastructure to attack for malicious intent, and at times as cyber terrorism. Furthermore, communication through ICT cannot function properly in the modern world, but weaknesses in ICT infrastructure in both developing and developed countries means that there is a need to invest in data security and...
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