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Culture of Italian-Americans: Analysis of "The Godfather"

Essay Instructions:

For the Media Analysis essay, you need to examine a media source (like a novel, a movie, an episode of a TV series or the entire series itself) and explain how a culture or microculture or interaction between cultures is portrayed in that source.

For instance, The Godfather movies portray Italian-Americans in certain ways. You'd watch one of those movies and examine that. Or an episode of the TV show Chico and the Man showed two cultures at once in its main characters - an older white man and a younger Hispanic man and each episode dealt with their differences.

note; the introduction should contain a summary of the TV show or movie your writing about, author and when the movie was acted.

A work cited page is required too

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The Godfather
The Godfather series first aired in 1972. It provides the audience with a glimpse of the lives of the mafia families and helps to portray them in a positive manner. It is entirely told in a closed world, and that is why the viewers can sympathise with people who in reality would be deemed evil. The story by Mario Puzo and Francis Coppola is an interesting story that invites the viewer into the world of the mafia but on the terms of the mafia. The main character Don Corleone appears as a sympathetic and admirable figure throughout the movie (Tucker, 34). The life-long professional criminal does nothing that the viewers can disapprove of. The movie is about a family that has been caught up in the mafia business. It is about a father, Don Corleone and his family and how to keep them safe from criminals. The Don has four children three sons namely Fredo, Michael, and Sonny. He also has a daughter Connie. When the movie starts it is Connie’s wedding, and everybody is happy but before the first scene is over the audience has already been introduced to everybody in the family and their roles. As the movie progresses, the Don is attacked and is hospitalised and is in the hospital recovering when his eldest son is murdered brutally. His other son Michael is in exile in Sicily for some murders he committed. While in exile he survives a murder attempt which claims the life of his wife. He moves back to the US with the sole mission of making the family become legit and quit crime. Michael soon takes over the family, but it is clear that it is the unfolding of events that force him to take the position of Don Corleone.
At the end of the movie, Michel has already ordered the murder of some people that he considers being traitors of the family. He even has his own brother-in- law murdered as he learns that he participated in planning the murder of his brother Sonny. As the movie ends, he is confronted by his sister about the death of her husband, and he denies any involvement in her death. He also lies to his wife and goes ahead to become the head of the family. As the movie progresses, it reveals most of the cultural values of Italian-Americans which were different from how people initially understood them. The movie is set in a good manner such that the viewers do not see a single civilian who is a victim of any crime by the family. They do not see any woman or young girls who are trapped in prostitution. Moreover, the movie does not show victims of racketeering or families that have been broken down by gambling. It portrays Italian-Americans as peaceful people who love their families and can do anything for the protection of their families. In the movie, the authority in the real world has been replaced by the Don Corleone who protects his friends and his family. A good example is when a person comes complaining to the Don that his daughter was raped and asking for the don to interfere. The Don asks the individual why they waited so long, and the person answers he went to the police like a good American citizen. The Don replies by telling him if he had come earlier the perpetrators of the crime would already be facing their punishment. This shows that Italians believe in looking after each other and protecting each other from forces that may jeopardise the lives of friends and family. The Italians are seen to be loving and caring people who take care of their family and friends. When people are facing challenges in the community they visit the don who helps them sort their issues. This portrays the Italian-Americans as a people who have a loving and caring culture despite their numerous criminal activities.
Another thing that Americans learn about the Italian-Americans is thei...
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