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Still Life by Jia Zhangke according to the Historical and Contemporary Phenomena in China

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5-7 page (1500-2000 word) paper on the following movie:
Still Life (2006) Jia Zhangke
Your paper should be directed toward an imagined reader who has seen the movie Still Life, but has little background knowledge of China. No summary of the movie is necessary. Instead, your task is to relate Still Life to the historical and contemporary phenomena in China that we have discussed in class. The reader can thus gain a deeper understanding of both Still Life and China. Your paper should combine discussion of various themes in the movie into one argument, which is presented in a thesis statement, and developed in the paper. Ideally, your conclusion should contribute additional nuance to your argument, rather than repeat what you have already written.
Be sure that your paper includes:
Introduction containing a clear thesis statement
Well developed and well organized argument in the body of the paper
References to our class readings in Chicago or MLA style. In-text references or footnotes are both acceptable. Use of outside sources (in English) is optional, but not necessary.
Bibliography/Works cited page
Professor knows my writing skills. Please use everyday vocabulary. Thanks.
The paper is due Monday, March 20. Please give me one hard copy of your paper in class. Please put your name on a title page, and attach this to the back of the paper. I do not want any names on the front or the pages. This is so I can grade the papers anonymously.
In grading your papers, I will consider the following:
1. Does the introduction effectively present the thesis, and evoke reader interest?
2. Is the argument logical? Are the ideas sufficiently complex?
3. Is the argument well developed, with appropriate details?
4. Is the essay well organized into a unified whole? Are there good transitions between paragraphs? Do the paragraphs have topic sentences?
5. Is the paper carefully edited?
here is the link of the movie. thanks
As I discussed in our first class meeting, all of this can be done in simple English.

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Still Life
Development comes with some transformations. These fluctuations can be either geographical or cultural change. A good example of ups and downs due to development is the building of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China. The dam reached its completion in the early years of the 21st century. The project led to the displacement of millions of people. To the government of China and environmentalists, it became a very controversial issue. Still Life, the 2006 film by JiaZhangke shows the price paid by citizens through China’s often bad and degrading shift from state-controlled Marxism to state-authorized capitalism. Set upon the background of Three George Dam the movie Still Life shows the social convolution of two couples from the area where the project was set. The characters demonstrate how construction and annihilation associated with the dam project affected people from the opposite sides of the economic divide of the then developing China. Moreover, the flick explores how the impending flood acmes the difficulties of the socio-economic environment while revealing how people take massive topographical changes.
Still Life according to the historical and contemporary phenomena in China
Still Life, the story of a man and a woman on analogous hunts to find their long lost partners is set in Fengjie, an ancient riverside city that is about to vanish in water. The town is one hundred and fifty miles upstream from the Three Georges Dam that swamped thousands of villages and towns at long-last displacing more than a million individuals. The dam was part of the hydroelectricity power generation project (Dalle, 1). Shot in the era that Fengjie was being smashed for the construction of the dam the flick has a powerful documentary flavor that also borders surreal. Throughout the film, characters are seen wandering in the rubble and disseminated inhospitable surroundings. The vivid narration matches the hitches brought about by the devastation. Even the audience outside China can grasp everything from impacts of demolition for the dam to citizens, to how the project violets Fengjie’s majestic natural beauty.
Though Still Life appears like a political cinema, it stimulatingly brings out the notion of human suffering and visual ideas as result of transformations brought about by Three Georges Dam power project. The flick opens with a series of touching pans across children, men and women congregated in a yacht in the Yangtze proximate to the dam. As the movie goes, the scene of Sanming and Shen Hong emanates. The duo inhabits discrete spaces and personal stories (Dalle, 1). However, they are connected by the language, landscape, culture, and context. The project dwarfs Sanming and Hong; it has ruined their buildings and the surrounding properties. Hence, Mr. Jia uses the pair to demonstrate changes accompanying Three Georges Dam power project. Thus, from them, the audience can view how Fengjie appeared before and after the project.
Fengjie’s demolition is an indicator of how other towns and villages in China where eradicated for the construction of the Three Georges Dam, the world’s largest dam (Dalle, 1). For instance, in the last scene of the interaction between Mr. He and Sanming, Sanming mentions of an employee who had been ordered to paint the word chai on the property. The word was the marker of destruction on the property. Additionally, a number of buildings were written ‘156.5 meters’ depicting the projected water level after establishing the dam. This show how people were affected by this project. In fact, the idea of being homeless and having a home are conceptions of the contemporary Republic of China as it is doing everything to ensure that the displaced people have homes.
Eventually Sanming reunites with his beloved wife; however, that is not the end of their woes. For instance, they never found their daughter. Perhaps depicting a problem of children left homeless in China, hence, describing how the project split the people of China. If a couple passed through these difficulties to find each other, how hard could it be to find a relative? Also, who will care for the lost kids? Additionally, the movie is ground on a single couple, but the suffering endured is hard to endure (Dalle, 2). Hence, a vast of the displaced individuals faced similar or worse challenges. All these illustrate the miseries the people went through. Furthermore, the flick ends with a query on how China’s future will be.
Still Life is set in an increasingly...
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