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Critical Analysis of "The Wife's Story"

Essay Instructions:

Please write a critical essay on a topic or element from the story “The Wife’s Story”, which is attached in pdf form. Research the topic or story element. Select at least 2 reliable sources and add something from each (a quote or information) to the essay. There are some topics at the end of this page to choose from is you want to use one of them. You are free to choose whichever topic you want.

Choose ONE of these 3 Types of Critical Essays: (Please do not write a response paper or a card report.)
• Analysis: Choose any ELEMENT (character, setting, irony, etc.) from the story, state your opinion, and then use evidence from the text to support your opinion.
• Comparison: Compare/contrast two characters, the setting in two stories, the humor, etc. You may compare elements in the same story, or you may choose two stories and compare the same element (such as irony) in each. Order your paper so that the reader can easily follow your comparison.
• Explication: Choose a passage in a story and explain the passage in detail. See the chapter titled “Writing about a Story” in your text for an example.

• Length: 500-700 words with a Works Cited page at the end. **The Works Cited page should not be included in your word count.
• Type your word count at the end of the paper on a line immediately below the last sentence of the essay.
• Style: MLA Style.
• Sources: Use short quotes and details from the story (the primary source) and use support from at least 2 reliable secondary sources to support your opinion. Reliable sources include peer-reviewed articles from databases, books, and other sources. Explain each piece of evidence that you use in the paper. Be sure to include a Works Cited entry for the story on your Works Cited page.
• Reference works, such as a dictionary, encyclopedia, or thesaurus, are not considered secondary sources but must be documented as well.
• Important! -- Follow all guidelines given on the page titled Writing about Literature. (this is attached)

*******This assignment requires at least two reliable secondary sources along with the primary source provided. These include peer-reviewed articles from the database, books about your topic, articles from a recognized authority on your topic, and specialized reference works.

Secondary Sources: What NOT to Use:
Secondary sources should NOT include a summary of the story since we all have a copy of the story and you will have listed the story on the Works Cite page already. A summary (overview) of the story is a reading aid to help you understand the story and it is not a critical source. It helps a reader understand quickly the plot of the story, explains the themes that may be present in the work, introduces the main characters, etc. It is not an essay that puts forth an opinion about the work and then backs up that opinion with support. Some well-known study aids are Masterplots, Sparknotes, Shmoop, Bookrags, etc. These sites help you understand what is happening in the work so that you can follow the story, but do not use these sources in the paper.

You may NOT use any of these:
• student paper from the internet
• papers you submitted in another class
• commercial (.com) website
• Wikipedia
• book review
• Study aids: Masterplots, Sparknotes, Shmoop, Bookrags, etc

Note: You may, however, add a definition to the paper or give basic information from a reference work such as an encyclopedia or dictionary, but these will not count as one of the required secondary sources. These reference works provide only the most basic information, information that is common knowledge. If you do quote from a reference work, please cite it and add an entry for it on your Works Cited page.

Steps for Writing a Critical Essay:
• First, read your story again thoroughly so that you can be specific and accurate in your essay. Find evidence in the story to support your opinion.
• Next, write your essay and capture all of your thoughts on the topic. Use details and accurate quotes from your story to support your ideas. Explain the significance of each piece of evidence. Do not retell the story.
• Be sure to document any ideas or quotes from the story used in your essay.

• What ironic twist does Le Guin give to a popular legend?
• In what ways does Le Guin cause the reader to think that the narrator and her family are human?
• After you finish reading the story, look back at the first two pages. Many of the sentences have new meaning, such as this one: “Lodge Meeting nights, more and more they had him to lead the singing.” Find other sentences that take on fresh meanings once you know who the characters really are.
• Why do you think Le Guin chose not to tell the reader from the outset that the characters were wolves?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Wife's Story #2 - KK
The "Wife's Story" by Le Guin is introduced to depict the characters are human. The reader only realizes that the characters are wolves at the ending of the story. This contributes to a unique art of suspense in writing where the reader has a different perspective about the story (Wilmot, David, and Frank Keller). Therefore, this paper will analyze how Le Guin uses emotion, social interactions, and the ability to think to make the reader believe that the narrator and her family are human beings.
Human beings are known to express social interactions depending on their relationship with the people they interact with. For instance, the social interaction between a father and their child would be different. Le Guin uses the aspect of social interactions to show that the characters are human beings. At the story's beginning, the narrator highlights how well the husband would associate with the kids and his mother and sister. Such a social interaction indicates that the husband can understand the people's social needs and knows how to meet them. The closeness between the narrator and their sister is also proof of the social interactions expressed by human beings. Therefore, these social interactions make the reader believe that the characters are human beings.
Human beings also express different emotions depending on various factors. For instance, an individual can express anger, happiness, and worry. Le Guin has created characters that convey emotion, making the reader believe that the characters are human beings. The wife describes the husband as an individual who doesn't take things the hard way. The wife is also happy to have a family with a hardworking, lo...
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