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Gulliver’s Travels Analysis

Essay Instructions:


Your purpose for the final is to write a creative and analytical essay in which you show your understanding of Gulliver's Travels and your ability to intelligently discuss what you have read.


Papers will be primarily graded based upon the Assessment Standards. Specifics, careful analysis and clear explanation will be key to the success of your final.


Your final essay should be at least 750 words long and as grammatically correct as you can make it. You may, of course, use the novel in writing your essay. Outside sources (beyond the novel itself) should not be used during the exam. Evidence of use of outside sources will result in a zero.

We were not required to finish the whole book and only read up until chapter 5.

Due Date

Mon. 5/17 @ 8 PM

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gulliver’s Travels Analysis
Gulliver’s Travels is one of the most famous works in English literature, as it relates the story to certain truths about our own world. It creates a humanistic approach in understanding the different societies in the journey of Gulliver. It creates opportunities for the readers to extend their empathy to the different cultures, beliefs, and circumstances of different people. Jonathan Swift successfully creates a deep and entertaining story that reveals human natures and some of their shadows to the reader. It provides insight to the human and how they are living and interacting and co creating in society. Through Gulliver’s experience in various lands, he comes to a wider perspective about his own life and his own world.
One of the key elements of this story is in how its author used satire in order to present certain opinions and perspectives about people and society. Swift was able to play with concepts and symbolism in order to invite the viewer to come and look from his perspective, thereby highlighting certain ideas within the novel. The author uses Gulliver’s character to provide a silly and at the same time, enlightening experience to the reader. He does this by creating various characters that symbolize certain objects, and organizations and even people of the real world.
From the characters and settings in the story come valuable lessons and opens social awareness. The satire of the story creates a dynamic between author and the audience, wherein certain beliefs and certain stereotypes are put into light. The clues are hidden in plain sight, as the story progresses in its simplicity and satirical play of concepts. One particular group that Gulliver encounters are the Lilliputians. This people shows an archetype of the pinnacle of egocentric humanism. However, their society have their own share of hypocrisy and imperfection. Through the different settings, the author shows the dilemma of progress, culture, and indoctrination. The Lilliputians are vastly different from Gulliver in size, but their pride are strong and they are not scared by Gulliver’s threats, even if it is obvious that they are powerless against him. Gulliver’s initial reaction when he was captured was able to create an opportunity to connect with Lilliputians, aside from being viewed as an outsider. The Emperor’s court was actually the one who was impressed by Gulliver when he gently released and di...
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