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Humans of New York, Exit West

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5-6 page paper connecting an idea you’ve thought about to the Humans of New York, Exit West, and at least two articles you find on your own

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Write a paper connecting an idea you have thought about to the Humans of New York, Exit West, and at least two articles you find on your own
"It seems... that love is the most important thing in the world" (Hesse, 68) are words of Hermann Hesse, a renowned German-Swiss novelist, and poet, in his 1922 novel Siddhartha. The quote is ordinary, but it sets off a vigorous debate about what should be considered the essential thing in the world. Different people might argue differently on the same matter. Others may view money as most important, while others may say it is family. However, love and connection bring together all the various subjects and objects that different people think are the most important. Love and connection is the idea I have thought about after reading at least four articles. This paper uses the novel Exit West by Mohsin Hamid, Jana's story in the Humans of New York, Kaylen Small's article published on Global News' website, and Raquel Peel's article in The Conversation to discuss why love and connection beat all to become the essential thing in the world.
The world needs love and connection more than it needs other things like religion, leaders, and even education. Exit West presents a story of love and connection throughout the twelve chapters. Saeed and Nadia's country is undergoing a civil war which prompts the two to flee for their safety as refugees. Migrants have a considerable task to connect among themselves and with the foreigners in the places they run to for safety. The main characters, Nadia and Saeed, are among the refugees. The two have a challenging task to connect with refugees from other cultures and nations in the three places, Mykonos, London, and Marin, where they ran for their safety, away from the civil war in their country (Hamid, 134). Interacting with such people is challenging because people brought up in different environments have differing practices, which may be hard to get used to. Nadia and Saeed have no option but to coexist with these different cultures in their run for safety. Sadly, some migrants are never willing to help because they lack connection with Saeed and Nadia. This instance demonstrates the importance of connection, which is often accompanied by love. Saeed and Nadia could quickly get help if the connection with the other refugees were strong. Even with money or power, people need love and connection to coexist.
Love and connection are inseparable; people who love each other are connected no matter the circumstances surrounding their existence. The Humans of New York's story about the unnamed narrator and her family shows how love and connection are a vital societal aspect and probably the most important thing. The narrator loses the mother after the divorce with the narrator's father, who already married Jana. The narrator is greatly affected by the loss of her mother because she was still young and needed a mother's love. Unfortunately, the father was not undertaking any parental love after the divorce. The narrator says her mother performed all the duties, including dropping and picking her siblings and her from school (Humans of New York). However, she (the narrator) found the motherly love and parental connection from Jana, her stepmother. The narrator gives an emotional connection with Jana, the person she thought broke their family connectedness. Jana played with the narrator like she was her biological daughter. When the narrator joined college, she accidentally becomes pregnant, and Jana supports her throughout the process until she gives birth to a baby boy (Humans of New York). The story provides a powerful lesson about love and connection. Jana connected with the narrator despite the circumstances of their relationship. In the end, Jana was more of the parent to the narrator than her father. It indicates how a connection is fundamental to human life. People can love and be closer to people, even those who may initially seem bad.
People connect randomly without following any define lines like family, status, or age. Love can develop amongst people from different races, countries, or social relationships. The civil war in their country brought together Saeed and Nadia. The connection they developed was because they knew each other from their school and, socially, they formed a connection. The story from Humans of New York presents a different scenario that led to love and connection. Jana was supposed to be a repelling factor for the narrator (Humans of New York). Hypothetically, it is hard to get along with a stepmother in a divorce because the children are jealous their mother's position has been taken. The narrator breaks the odds to prove that love and connection can develop from any situation, including unlik...
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