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What Control Does One Have Over His Or Her Daily Reality?

Essay Instructions:

Please write it as simple as you can, around 700 words and with some grammar mistakes.
The detail requirement is in the document called Unit2 essay
Also, this link is for the "Paradise Lost Book1 (Milton) https://www(dot)dartmouth(dot)edu/~milton/reading_room/pl/book_1/text.shtml

Essay Sample Content Preview:
What Control Does One Have Over His or Her Daily Reality
Each and every person has got his or her own definition of what he or she considers as a reality. Many people have been asking themselves if anything can be classified as a reality yet their perception about it differ greatly. It is important to note that just because an individual is capable of seeing something in a certain way does not make that thing to be what he or she thinks it is. There are instances when people might be insistent that their way of seeing things is more right than other people’s perception. In addition to that it is important to remember that an individual has got a total control over his or her daily reality. Just like Archimedes, one of the greatest scientist and a mathematician explains by the principle of The Fulcrum and The Lever, a human being can control what he or she considers as reality. Reality depends on individuals mindset, for instance in the Archimedes principle, the length of the lever is comparable to the potential and ability that a person believes he or she has. On the other hand, the position of the fulcrum is a resemblance of the mindset with which people generate ability to change (Boeing and Thomas, 76).
This essay examines what control one has over his or her daily reality and also to show that reality is an individual’s mindset.
Mindset and Reality
To begin with most people do judge what they are able to see physically as a reality, but this might not be actually true according to another person. In other words, with a proper mindset a person is able to change his or her reality. For example, when Archimedes said that if he was given a long rod and a fulcrum to place it he could move the world, people never understood him. People never understood Archimedes until he practically showed people what he meant by the lever and the fulcrum. For example, in the case of two men with one weighing 150 Kilograms and the other weighing 100 kilograms and balance them on a fulcrum, it is obvious that the 100 kg load will be hanging on the air until the man who weighs 150kgs touches the ground with his feet. However, the reality that the man who is 150 kg can over weigh the man who is 100 kg could be nothing but a fallacy. This reality can be changed; it can be changed with the man who is weighing 100kg moving closer to the fulcrum point, this way he will be able to lift the man who is weighing 150kgs. This is a clear indication that an individually can actually control his o...
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