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Academic Culture, Teaching Styles, and Improving Academic Grades

Essay Instructions:

What was your biggest challenge this semester? Why was this difficult for you? Were you able to overcome your challenge? What strategies did you find effective? What surprised you the most about the academic culture here? Was this a big difference from what you are familiar with in your home country? Do all of your professors teach their class the same way? How are their styles different? Do you think this is a good or bad thing? How are you feeling about the amount of work you have in your classes? Do you feel you are prepared for future semesters when you will have more work? Do you have any regrets about this semester? What would you have done differently?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Project
What was your biggest challenge this semester? Why was this difficult for you? Were you able to overcome your challenge? What strategies did you find effective?
The main challenges that I faced this semester involved improving on my grades. this was part of the goals that I had for the semester as I want to be a better student. This is part of the career goals that I have focused and they can only be achieved through quality grades in my studies. It was difficult, improving on the grades however, I have been able to improve in some of the units. This is a good progress and motivates me to even be better in the coming semester. It serves as a platform for me to build on the other units within the coming semesters. With the help of colleagues and tutors, I have been able to develop better study plans and even follow through with them with their assistance and support (Taoufiq, 2017).
What surprised you the most about the academic culture here? Was this a big difference from what you are familiar with in your home country?
The academic culture at the university is one to behold. This is relative to the level of support that students are accorded in their studies. It is important that students are guided in the career and academic goals. At the university, one is assisted with significant support in their goals. The environment in the university is one that is built around helping the students become the best that they would want relative to their goals and aspirations (Taoufiq, 2017). Compared to my home country, this is significantly different as students have the resources to bring to fruiting their goals. Where they experience challenges, there is significant assistance to better overcome and improve on their targets. This element of support is significant one that is quite enabling even for the foreign students. Foreign students feel accommodated and are able to easily focus on their goals.
Do all of your professors teach their class the same way? How are their styles dif...
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