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Moodle: My Learnings Throughout the Semester

Essay Instructions:

Umassamherst Moodle:Unit V Initial Draft01 16:00 Essay Description:Basic Writing has two main functions: it's a writing course that is a prerequisite for CollegeWriting 112 (the course that fulfills the College Writing General Education requirement),and it also fulfills the U.S. Diversity General Education requirement. With those functions inmind, we have read, thought, and written about the theme of borders from a variety ofdifferent perspectives this semester.For this assignment, you will write an essay that answers the question, "Why study diversityand writing together?" in some way. Some questions you can explore to write this essayinclude:● What have you learned about writing throughout the course of the semester? Whathave you learned about diversity in the United States? What are some connectionsbetween the two?● How do culture and identity connect to or influence writing? Put another way, howdoes writing influence culture and identity?The form of the essay is up to you. For example, you could write a personal essay that tellsa story about how diversity and writing impacts you. Or, you could write an argument thatpersuades a reader about the importance of considering diversity when thinking aboutwriting. You might use personal experiences or another essay to support your points.Whatever form you choose, however, you must quote from at least two other sources,have in-text citations, and a works cited page. One of these sources must be one of yourfour unit essays from this semester. Draw from the knowledge you have built over thecourse of the semester about developing your ideas, organizing ideas, integratingquotations, and more.

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Literature and Language
01 May 2017
My Learnings Throughout the Semester
It is important to study writing and diversity together because if one is open to other ideas from different cultures, then there is a better grasp to writing. Remember that writing is a form of expression and a person is able to explore his or her imagination through writing.
I have learned that when there is diversity, there is a sharing of ideas that come from different cultures. Furthermore, it is also good for delegation of assignments because there are some cultures that are better at one thing than others. For instance, a French student is usually more knowledgeable about gourmet food than most people because it is part of their daily lifestyle and they are known for their cuisine and use of refined ingredients. If someone needs to write about food, he or she can seek help from the French student. Diversity is healthy for learning because you get to talk to them about gestures and if it means something else from where they come from. I realized that my classmates can help me prepare for traveling because I can already ask them what I need to know before visiting their country.
There is a link between writing and diversity because it is a form of communication that is sometimes easier for you to understand each other. When a native English speaker talks too fast, someone from a different country will find it hard to catch up at first when they are conversing. At the same time, writing helps a person hone his or her Englis...
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