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Cultural Resistance in the Onslaught of Social Change

Essay Instructions:

I' m looking to get a analytical thesis which shows a thematic connection between two stories, and shows how that theme is developed in each story OR which explains the use of a specific literary element in two stories, showing the significance of the element to the stories' overarching meaning or theme.

Substantial evidence from texts, explained by reader. Correct use of literary terms and MLA format with page numbers cited in parentheses whenever you quote or paraphrase from any source.

The literary elements that I'd liked analyzed are the characters and setting.

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Cultural Resistance in the Onslaught of Social Change
"The only thing that is permanent is change", so says the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Yet in the face of inevitable change, some people choose to lock themselves in time refusing to let go of the past. We can see this in literature in William Faulkner’s "A Rose for Emily" and Alice Walker’s "Everyday Use". Both stories are set in the backdrop of the American South highlighting the clash of traditional values as their world undergoes the grooves of change brought about by modernity and innovation and new ways of thinking and doing. In both stories, the authors dissect the different reactions of people to change, such the pressure to conform, the attachment to the old ways, the tendency to isolate oneself to shield from imagine and perceived social stigma, and the subtle and outward manifestations of resistance to change.
Both Walker and Faulkner highlights cultural resistance in the onslaught of social change as the weave the life stories of their main characters. Faulkner demonstrates this resistance in his portrayal of his main character in the story Emily who isolates herself from the rest of the community. Walker shows this kind of resistance in the characters of Mama and Maggie who chose to socially isolate themselves in contrast to the character of a family member who chose to embrace change. Although the stories’ plot are very different from each other as one borders on the bizarre and the other borders on the ordinary, the eerie quality of resistance to change in both stories takes on a similar taste and texture as tradition and attachment to the old ways find common ground in the two stories.
The character of Emily in Faulkner’s work epitomizes a previous culture being petrified in time whether in her aristocratic ways or in her traditional aristocratic house which is the only remaining symbol of the old in their neighborhood. Emily may be considered as "a fallen monument to the chivalric American South" where her isolation from the rest of the changing world becomes a clear testament of her resistance to change. She refused to pay her taxes citing some good deed done by her ancestors a long time ago. She alienates herself from the rest of the town, first when her father refused to accept suitors seemingly protecting their aristocratic estate and social status as there are no suitors who can match up to her high class social standing.
When her Father died she even denied it to the public but eventually relented after a time. After her few wild nights out with "boyfriend" she went into permanent isolation with only her servants being seen going in and out of their house. This attitude elicits negative feedback from the town people who directly or indirectly wanted to pressure her to conform to society’s standards. The town people do this directly by making her pay taxes and through indirect gossip such as calling her "Poor Emily" and even cruel remarks such as "She will kill herself… it would be the best thing" (Faulkner 124).
The inevitability and ruthlessness of the coming change and the consequent reaction of Emily can be seen with the passage, "Then the newer generation became the backbone and the spirit of the town… The front door closed… and remained closed for good" (Faulkner 125). Emily consciously creates her own self imposed exile in a hopeless attempt to escape the harsh reality of incoming change. The people of the town mirror this inflexibility by their harsh judgments and negative feedback appearing as gossip. This is due to the fact that her inflexibility to change freezes her in time as their whole time moves on with the flowing tides of modernization.
Alice Walker portrays the same inflexibility but more in a positive light in her characters Mama and Maggie in "Everyday Use". Mama is Maggie’s mother and although both are not as physically isolated as the character of Emily, they are also "frozen in time" socially. They barely learned how to read and write when Maggie’s sister Dee is already enjoying the benefits of education. Dee symbolizes the modern woman coming of age and rapidly adjusting her culture and lifestyle to the modern world in vivid contrast to Dee’ Mama and sister Maggie who seemed to have lagged behind the world. Dee says, "It’s really a new day for us. But from the way you and Mama still live you’d never know it" (Walker 260).
Dee has grown up to be intelligent and sophisticated and beautiful ready to face the modern world in its rapid changes while Mama and Maggie remained stuck to the simple life. They never got around to increasing their education and knowledge of the world which passes by so quickly. Maggie remained fixated to her deformities to the point of using the same deformities as an excuse to resist change. Mama reiterates that "I never had an education myself" and then she speaks of Maggie, "Like good looks and money, quickness passed her by" (Walker 257).
In a sense, Maggie and Mama epitomize all those African Americans victimized by segregation, prejudice, discrimination, even violence but never got back whole again. In this story, the quilt became the ultimate symbol of the glorious past gone by, the l...
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