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Comparison of Three Marriages in the Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Essay Instructions:

I am going to give you a vague and far ranging topic to write about. Look at the list of marriages that either happen or are set to happen in the 4 plays we have read (they are listed below). Some of these marriages seem totally absurd. Some seem to be the result of actual affection. Some are blessed by the powers that be. Some have to overcome difficulties in order to happen. Some come about because of true love. Some come about because of misconception or trickery. And some don’t fit into any of these categories. It’s a very mixed and mixed up bag.

Look at the list. Decide which marriages you find interesting, and write an essay analyzing those marriages in the context of its play. Your essay should consider some of the following. How does the couple fall in love? What are the forces that attempt to block the union? What is the process that their courtship takes place? How believable is it that this love affair happens? And you can gaze into your crystal ball and conjecture about how successful this marriage will be. If you do conjecture on this subject, base your prediction on evidence from the play.

Don’t focus on just one marriage, and don’t do any deep analysis of the minor marriages. I’m leaving it up to you to figure out which marriages are minor. You can focus on just one play if you would like, but it might be a better idea to discuss marriages from at least two plays.

Your essay should be at least 400 words.

Based on the instruction upon, analysising the three marriages in the play "A Midsummer Night’s Dream"

1. Lysander and Hermia
2. Demetrius and Helen
3. Theseus and Titania

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Essay: Comparison of Three Marriages
It is evident from the start of the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream that Hermia and Lysander are deeply in love with one another. Their mutual affection for one another started as a childhood friendship but blossomed into courtship as youths. Both Hermia and Lysander are so confident of their love for each other that they intend to marry, a development that is strongly opposed by Hermia’s father Egeus, who prefers that her daughter marry Demetrius, a man of wealth and social standing. Lysander chooses to disobey her father after he gives her the choice of either marrying Demetrius, becoming a nun, or death. She decides to run away with Lysander to his aunt’s home where they plan on getting married in secret. The fact that Lysander is willing to risk death, which is the punishment for disobeying one’s father in Athens, goes a long way in demonstrating how real their love is and its ability to withstand all challenges. However, the trickster Puck threatens their union by mistakenly dropping his magical flower on Lysander who suddenly falls in love with Helena and losses all interest in Hermia. Lysnader says some very hurtful things to Hermia while spellbound by Puck’s magic but the fact that the heartbroken Hermia is patient until the portion wears off speaks to a successful marriage.
The relationship between Demetrius and Helen cannot be said to be real since the two are only bounded by the spell cast by Puck. Helen had always been in love with Demetrius even before Puck’s in...
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