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The Coddling of the American Mind

Essay Instructions:

Keep in mind that the writers of the article articulate their own point of view, using a variety of argumentative strategies. You do not have to agree with them (and you should not assume that I do), but you do need to read carefully, using the skills that you have developed during this class, to analyze their argument. You will also want to consider which arguments you find most credible and why.
Timed Essay 1 is going to ask you to create an argument based on this article.
Question: The writers of the article make an argument about "microaggressions" and "trigger warnings," which is part of a more general argument about how students should be taught and whether the current trend on college campuses is beneficial. Using examples (and quotations) from the article, write a short essay in which you evaluate the arguments of the writers and explain to what extent you do (or do not) find them convincing.

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December 17, 2021
Critical Analysis on Micro-aggressions and Trigger Warnings
Understanding the importance of critical analysis is essential for anyone. It allows him to have a better understanding of the reading and accept information that is based on facts and sort those which are based on opinion. However, while critical analysis may help an individual determine facts from opinions, another essential consideration is the delivery of such content. A similar content could have different effects based on its delivery and presentation. Accordingly, I would like to focus on Lukianoff and Haidt’s article entitled The Coddling of the American Mind. This includes an analysis of their statements as well as the manner in how they presented them. Nevertheless, I believe that manner/form is just as important as content in delivering crucial information to one’s readers.
The Coddling of the American Mind
One of the ideas that I found very persuasive in Lukianoff and Haidt’s article was the shift on how the education system delivery ‘stressful’ messages these days. Specifically, the authors stated in the article that “it presumes an extraordinary fragility of the collegiate psyche, and therefore elevates the goal of protecting students from psychological harm”. The main reason why I found this very convincing is two-fold, namely its form and content.
On the one hand, this new approach towards ‘emotional prioritization’ is convincing because I personally experienced this in my life as a student. It is a factual information that I know first-hand as it is one of the main paradigms that exists these days in every aspect of life. Some of the examples that I can think of includes the creation of safe spaces for schools, the increased motivation towards addressing mental health issues, and the sh...
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