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Comparing Bartleby, The Scrivener, and Hunger Artist

Essay Instructions:

As discussed in the video when this assignment was first presented, you get a choice:

(from page 427, the final page of the Conformity and Rebellion section):

1 (number two): In a number of these words, a single individual rebels against society and suffers defeat or death. Are these works therefore pessimistic and despairing? If not, what is the purpose of the rebellions, and why do the authors choose to bring their characters to such ends? WRITING TOPIC: Compare two works from this section that offer support for the idea that a single individual can have a decisive effect on society.

2 (number five): Most of us live out our lives in the ordinary and humdrum world that is rejected in poems such as William Wordsworth's "The World Is Too Much with Us" and WH Auden's "The Unknown Citizen." Can these poems be said to be calls to social irresponsibility? WRITING TOPIC: Consider whether "we" in Wordsworth's poem and the unknown citizen are simply objects of scorn or whether they deserve sympathy and perhaps even respect. (You may also choose two or three different stories and not refer to these poems.) Prof. Kendall suggests considering that social irresponsibility might be "not playing along" like what happened in "Saved" by Langston Hughes, but you can also consider "Battle Royal" by Ellison, for instance.

3 (number seven): Many works in this section deal explicitly with the relationship between individuals and religion. What similarities do you find among them? What differences? WRITING TOPIC: Compare and contrast the way that relationship is perceived in any two (three is better) readings. You may include readings from a different section, for instance "Saved" by Langston Hughes or "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, or... And you may use any assigned or unassigned story from this section. The topic in the book suggests "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson (as well as a reading that does not exist in the book).

Feel free to check with me about what you intend to write about.

As stated on the syllabus, the essay should be about 1000 words. I have reviewed what they should look like (MLA format) so let me know if you have any questions after watching that video.


I am uploading the web version of the book, and the content that needs to be read is the chapters of CONFORMITY AND REBELLION (do not need to read all the chapters, these articles just need to be used as citations) As you see my guide, we only need to choose from 3 topics One (and I recommend picking the first) point is that sometimes rebellion doesn't necessarily end well.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Conformity and Rebellion
Comparing Bartleby, The Scrivener, and Hunger Artist
Literature has contributed extensively toward understanding the community and society at large. The goal of literature is to help people move a step back in their current life and learn old ways of life through people who have lived before. The use of poems and articles has contributed to the current knowledge about the culture and traditions of society. Essentially, it is a recorded history that acts as a mirror of where humanity has come from. Conformity can be described as adapting to the norms and beliefs of certain people in the community. Rebellion, on the hand, is resistance to certain beliefs in society. Conformity and rebellion can exist without each other. Rebellion plays an integral role in challenging the existence of conformity in society (Abcarian et al.)." Should a person become a follower or a leader?" As an individual, what is the right path to rebel or follow? This will always be the main challenge at an individual level and in society.
The struggle is evident in every society, and a sense of conformity must exist in a person at some point. Bartleby and Hunger Artist are perfect examples of conformity and rebellion. Everyone wants to be accepted in society, but unfortunately, society is quite unforgiving. In this case, it will bend a person until he or she conforms to the ways of society. However, in the process of conforming to the ways of society, they must show rebellion. It is the main reason the two have to exist. Rebellion plays a significant role in challenging the existence of conformity. However, rebellion does not always positively impact a person and society. Bartleby explicitly demonstrates the effect of rebellion in society and at a professional level.
The narrator provides a detailed analysis of a top-notch employer who is not ready to handle its responsibilities. It is a story of Wall Street whereby the corporate layer is helping the rich become more prosperous. Contrarily, an employee is not ready for work (Cavell 10). Employment culture is always precise and clear, and whenever a person enters into a contract, they have to meet the obligation. What is the obligation of the employee under narration? To meet and solve the problems arising in the office. Shifting focus to Bartleby, it is clear that he is a determined lawyer and always pursuing the best for the clients. Unlike Nipper, who would do no other job for anyone, a form of rebellion. "And for his (Nipper's) part, this was the first, and the last time he would do another man's job (Abcarian et al.)." Nipper has already rebelled against his obligations and focused on exploring other things. The outcomes of rebellion are unknown, but obviously, they do not end up in the right way. In most cases, people who engage in rebellion do not have a cheerful ending.
According to the narrator in this article, Bartleby ends up in prison, and even the inmates tell him that he does not belong there. The consequences of rebellion are always fatal, and they affect people at an individual level and the community at large. On most occasions, Bartleby is constantly defying orde...
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