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The Body in Philosophy: An Account on Discipline and Punish

Essay Instructions:

LENGTH: 4-5 pages

PROMPT: In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine-body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.” Drawing on the readings covered in class (Descartes, Leder, Schiebinger, Foucault) give an account of each of these registers. Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood as separate?

HINTS: Using the materials at your disposal please present your analysis as CLEARLY, PRECISELY, and COMPREHENSIVELY as possible given the length constraints. Don’t just speculate or make easy comparisons (“ I think Plato could have meant x and such.” “This reminds me of Freud.” “This is like an episode of Game of Thrones.”) Provide reasons and evidence for your interpretive choices (“I think Descartes meant x because that would be consistent with y and helps to explain z”). If you do use an example from outside the text make sure it performs an active, illustrative function that helps to explain the point you are trying to make.

You should generate your account from, and continually support it with, specific passages from the text(s) you are discussing. When you quote a text, make sure you do so for a good reason. Introduce the quote and make clear what role it is playing in your exposition.

· Your paper will be graded according to the following general criteria:
1) A clear, precise, comprehensive analytical explanation of the piece you choose, including a clear conception of the author’s understanding of the body.
2) Sufficient textual evidence to support your account.
3) Well-written prose, correct grammar and syntax.

Most simply, if your paper has all three of these criteria, it will receive some form of an A; if it has only two, it will receive some form of a B; if it has only one, it will receive a C or less.
· Importantly, your paper must be your own work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please see me if you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism.

Nuts and Bolts
· Papers should be typed and double spaced with 1 inch margins on the top and bottom and 1 inch margins on the sides.
· The font should be of a standard type of either 11 or 12 point.
· The pages should be numbered. You should start typing at the top of the first page.
· Your name and the title of your paper should be either on a separate title page (not numbered) or should take up no more than two lines at the very top of your first page.
· Your paper must be carefully proofread. Give yourself enough time, after you think you have finished your paper, to re-read it and to proofread it. You might even try reading your paper out loud; sometimes you can hear mistakes or confusions that you otherwise did not notice.
· You should be sure that you have written full, complete, grammatical sentences, and that you have logical transitions between paragraphs and between ideas.
· Generally, use MLA style. Among other things, this means using in-text citations. Give the number of the page from which the passage comes in parentheses after the passage, in the following format: "This is a quotation" (Title, 23). Do not use the abbreviations "pg." or "p." within the parentheses, and place any punctuation before the parenthetical citation. Quotations of more that 4 lines should be single-spaced and double-indented, without quotation marks. Book titles should be underlined or in italics. Chapter or article titles should be in plain text within quotation marks. Be sure to include a list of works cited on a separate page. An online guide to MLA style can be found here http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/02/.

In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine-body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.” Drawing on the readings covered in class (Descartes, Leder, Schiebinger, Foucault) give an account of each of these registers. Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood as separate.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Number
An Account on Two registers- Discipline and Punish
A few individuals do not handle power in the form of Discipline and Punishment over the many, but it is something to which everyone is subjected. In his book, Discipline, and Punish, Michel Foucault shows his ideas about power and the link he finds between power and science. Foucault makes a reader find a new way of thinking about power and discover the power in places a reader had never expected before, like in scientific knowledge. The two distinctions of power, according to Foucault, are repressive power (Punishment) and Normalizing power (Discipline). Foucault seeks to analyze Discipline and punishment in their social context and further examine how changing power dynamics affect punishment. This paper will give an account of two registers of the modern machine- body – the anatomical-metaphysical and technical- political, drawing from readings by Foucault himself, Leeder, Descartes, and Schiebinger.
Anatomico- metaphysical deals with the school of thought of the first principles of things through abstract principles relating to the investigation of the human body, identity, and time. Descartes claims that the human anatomy was uncovered as a tool and target of power in the classical period, also called the age of reason. There were methods used by different institutions like the military, prisons, schools, and hospitals to rectify the functioning of submission. Many historical traditional methods of manipulating reason and behavior through the body employed constant duress and force by different forms of penal torture and incarceration (Zolfagharkhani 2). Foucault's Discipline and Punishment demonstrate that the way we punish wrongdoers like criminals or prisoners changes over time. He claims that if these changes can be tracked and explored, we can learn a lot about our communities and ourselves. The focus has shifted from the body to the psychic in modern times. Currently, this action where courts and justice systems are more concerned with emotional or psychological motives. Modern time’s criminals are subjected to public scrutiny. This development is meant to understand the criminal mind. A good example is when a criminal publicly exposes his childhood traumas. This move is a new way of Discipline through power.
Nobody can separate science from power. Research on the anatomy of the human body and especially on the mind show that one cannot divorce science from logic. Doctors specializing in mental illnesses get to decide whether an individual's behavior is normal or not is based on science. The application of science to gain power plays a significant role in the social structures of the society, which upholds Discipline. Foucault says that the prison is a political technology tool with power over the body and soul (Catucci 18). One of the techniques of control used in prisons is surveillance. He argues that surveillance is being used in our modern institutions as a critical instrument to control and govern the people. The presence of surveillance, either human or otherwise, helps to catch those who break laws and works to prevent a crime from happening in the first place (Santillan 18). For instance, an inmate will not strike another prisoner if they know the warden's watching. These watching techniques are there to ensure society follows the rules. However, Foucault also states the negative implications of surveillance. He claimed th...
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