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Essay On Compare Or Contrast America To Another Country

Essay Instructions:

This is a Comparison/Contrast Essay. This essay must have a transition words and must have at least one in-text citation per body paragraph (No more than two in-text citations per body paragraph). This essay has to be in third person(He,She,One,a person, etc.) point of view, not in first person(I) and second person(You) point of view.

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Essay on Compare or Contrast America to Panama
Before arriving at Panama one of things I knew was that the US helped build the Panama Canal in the early 20th century and this was alert transferred to the country’s authorities. Like other Central American countries, Spanish is the national language. Despite historical ties with the US, English proficiency is limited for the common ma, as it is the expensive schools who offer English language with the large expat community mainly associated with using English. Americans are punctual compared to the Panamanians and tend to be private and individualistic (Hofstede). Panama is a small strip of land in Central America, and the service economy employs many people, and in the US the economy is more diversified. The America and Panamanian society are open and respect the freedom of religion and speech. This is a comparison/ contrast on Panama and America.
Understanding basic Spanish goes a long way in facilitating communication, and when I arrived at Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen I looked for a taxi, and despite reassurance that I would get one in time his was not the case. Americans are particular with time, and this can be a frustrating thing when interacting with Panamanians where nobody seems to mind how slow live is. The local people tend to be more relaxed and no in a hurry, for a first time visitor accustomed to living in a fast paced world this was awkward. However, even the taxi drivers and business exceutives are more punctual compared to the general population as they take their businesses seriously. Depending on the significance of an occasion or event, the Panamanians would be punctual, but in America, punctuality is a priority regardless of the occasion.
The Panamanians are easy going, but when interacting with foreigners they are less open and this is especially for the expats living in gated communities. In my case, I indicated that I intended to stay in Panama City. Rather than try to be involved in what they know there is a tendency to avoid uncertainty. Panama is a highly unequal country and such inequalities affect the way people interact with power and wealth concentrated (Hofstede). On the other hand, Americans are risk takers who may tolerate ambiguity and open to new ideas. Panama City and Washington DC are dynamic places, and it is the capital cities that attract people from diverse backgrounds. When the...
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