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Compare and Contrast: Point-by-Point Method

Essay Instructions:

An essay comparing and contrast using In the Point-by-Point Method, each paragraph contains details on ONE ASPECT of BOTH TOPICS organized in the same order. It is using the short stories A rose for Emily and yellow Wallpaper and A Good man is Hard to find.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Compare and a contrast
In O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, and Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, there are many aspects that can be used to single out the similarities and differences used by the respective authors to pass on their respective messages to the audiences. Some of these aspects include plot, themes, voice, and characters among many others. It is, therefore, credible to state that these works of literature have a wide range of information that can be analyzed based on a compare and analysis paradigm.
O’Connor’s and Faulkner’s stories are set in the Southern atmosphere where the physical conditions and considerations reveal the geographical endowment of the regions in question. These authors show a similarity in the sense that their works have eloquently and skillfully created intricate characters and accompanying imagery to reflect and capture the life of the Southern region. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” concentrates on the tragic events that occur during a family trip to Tennessee. The trip comes to a sudden end when the family is killed by serial killers led by a character known as Misfit (O'Connor 103). “A Rose for Emily” is set around the occurrence after the death of a prominent woman by the name of Emily Grierson, whose lifetime events are recounted severally by the town dwellers. It is a story, in which the writer has concentrated on the southern atmospheres as is the case with O’Connor’s story. Contrary to the setting and the influence of the Southern atmosphere in these two stories, “The Yellow Wallpaper” is not based on massive geographical aspects since most of the activities captured are as they occur indoors. The narrator is confined indoors due to her mental condition, which does not allow the people around her to allow her to interact with the external environment due to various medical reasons (Gilman 79).
The other source of analysis in these three works is based on the themes conveyed in them. “A Rose for Emily” and “The Yellow Wallpaper” are heavily built around the love-hate relationships that exist among the main characters where gender differences play crucial roles in shaping the relationships. The male characters have been given top priorities in all these three works, but these of Faulkner and Gilman are unique in their right. Women are portrayed as characters that are influenced by men in their lives, often negatively in their quest to find love. Men’s dominance is resulting into a myriad of problems that are obscuring these women from finding love that they are craving for throughout their liv...
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