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Five ways to experience the world

Essay Instructions:

I would like an approximately 500 word descriptive essay. *MLA format *Address at least three of the five senses:touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. *Fulfill minimum outline structure requirements *5paragraph essay(intro, point 1, point 2,point 3, conclussion) * Double space.


Chapter 8: DescriptionWhat is a descriptive paper?• A descriptive paper creates a scene in thereader’s mind by using as many of the senses aspossible: touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound.•Ex 1: The alarm clock went off, but I went back tosleep.•Ex 2: When the alarm clock began to blare like afoghorn, I shot up in bed, but was soon lulled backto sleep by the feathery softness of my pillow. Bringing Descriptions to Life1) Use lively, specific details. Don’t say thatsomething is. Explain how it is.Ex 1: The house is old. (passive voice)Ex 2: The floorboards in the house creaked with eachstep I took. (active voice- the subject is doing)2) Ask yourself sensory questions about the thing youare describing. If you answer no to them, you havenot been descriptive enough.Ex: Can I smell the carnival? Can I see the carnival?Can I hear the carnival? Effective Descriptions•Don’t describe just to describe. You may know onemillion details about your topic, but should only usethose that contribute to your thesis.•Your paper is not a random collection of descriptivefacts. Remember that you are working toward thegoal defined by your thesis.•Be careful not to wax poetic. Poetic language isoften too vague for a descriptive paper. Don’t say“Seas would rise when I gave the word.” Instead, say“When I told my mom about a wish I had, she dideverything in her power to make it happen.” Organizing DescriptionslYou may think that organizing descriptions is notnecessary and that you should simply begindescribing in whatever order you choose, but thisis not true. Think about your topic and choose alogical organizational pattern.lWhat organizational pattern would you use todescribe…la night out with your boyfriend/girlfriend?lthe layout of your new house?lthe annoying habits of your sibling?lyour vacation at the beach? Descriptive Paper AssignmentlPlease write a 500-word descriptive essay aboutthe topic of your choice. Your essay must:l follow MLA formatl address at least three of the five sensesl achieve the goal stated in the thesisl fulfill minimum outline structure requirementsl5-paragraph essay (intro, point 1, point 2, point 3,conclusion)***Check your syllabus for essay due date*** Descriptive ExampleslBefore you write your descriptive essay, be sureto read Sister Flowers, the professional examplein your textbook on page 185. What can you see,hear, smell, touch, or taste? How do these detailsmake the story interesting? How do they help youknow more about the main character than what isactually said? Take away some ideas that you canincorporate into your own writing.lThere are also student examples posted in theattachments for this week. What are theirstrengths and weaknesses?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Five ways to experience the world
Once in a while, people like to go out of their daily routines and have a day to unwind in anticipation of the week ahead. Most people have their own methods of achieving the revitalization they need which can vary from outdoors activities to a session at the gym. Personally, I like to go on a hike to clear my mind, just like I did last week.
A distant train’s horn filtered through the open window as a chilly morning wind blew the curtains aside. As I startled and pushed my smooth duvet aside, I could feel the wind on my arms and immediately thought that I was not being forced to go anywhere and could just close the window and go back to sleep. As the morning sunlight hit the bedside table, I thought how beautiful it was outside if the rays that managed to shine inside was such a sight to behold. As I took a shower, the hot water running down my back was a welcome feeling. Moments later, I prepared a cup of coffee whose aroma made my nostril tingle. It was a scent I will never get used to despite it being a part of my every morning.
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