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Communism and Family

Essay Instructions:

summarize the main idea of the text and also bring your reflection on each. Make sure you read the text, thank you very much.

There are texts from Kollontai, Stalin, and Trotsky, make sure you address all three of them and give feedback of your reaction.
1. Bring two discussion questions about our readings
2. write a response to the readings –

Please summarize the texts and bring your reaction to the ideas expressed.

What did you find interesting? Troubling?What did you think the author got right or wrong about their subject.This is very free form, but you should use it as an opportunity to hone your writing skills. Your response should center on our texts.

This response should allow getting a sense of what you got out of the readings and what you would like to discuss. I encourage you to put texts we have read in a given week in dialogue with readings throughout the course. Feel free to ask clarifying/factual questions in addition to discussion questions. Here are examples of both types of questions:

Discussion question – this is a question without a clear, easily researched answer that will lead to open discussion and debate. It should be based on our texts and not overly general:
What are the similarities and differences between Fordism and Stalinism?
How does reading Engels change the way that we see Smith?

Clarifying/Factual Question. Feel free to ask about anything that you would like more background information about. This is a question with a clear, empirical answer
What was the constituent assembly?
Who is the silent majority”?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Text Summary and Reflection
Eliminating the Kulaks as a Class
The author of the article to which Stalin responds claims that the retribution of eliminating the Class was too punitive. On the other hand, Stalin asserts that the resistance must only be “smashed in open battle,” as other measures such as taxation would be inefficient (Stalin 2). Indeed, ideological differences should never be criminalized as better ideologies are automatically expected to replace the obsolete with time. I believe Stalin had a messianic complex, influencing him to think that he knew what was best for everyone, or at least the Communist party knew.
The Family and the Ceremony
Trotsky argues that the church draws its power and influence from its ceremonials on life’s significant moments, such as birth, marriage, and death (Trotsky 1). As a result, even individuals with little religious affections will find the themes resonating. Moreover, the family is critical to the church because the mentioned ceremonials are primarily marked in such units. Trotsky seemingly continues ...
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