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Why We Should Avoid Eating Junk Food Speech

Essay Instructions:

This is actually a speech but it is required to be written as an essay format this time. Please use a topic that is relatable to the undergraduate students.
In 3-5 double-spaced pages, please do the following:
1. Write a speech in which you, speaking as yourself, attempt to convince your audience of your opinion on a selected topic (you may pick the topic). Imagine that your audience is a group of 30 students.
2. Use at least one instance apiece of persuasion through logic (logos), persuasion through emotion (pathos), and persuasion through character (ethos).
3. Cite additional sources when necessary. We have already seen when and how appealing to experts or established logic can strengthen arguments. Hint: logical arguments are often stronger with evidence.
4. Because speeches are meant to be spoken, feel free to include notes on how you might deliver this speech in person.[1] Be sure to mention in your delivery notes how your delivery will make your speech more persuasive. This is not required but may be helpful for rounding out your style.
Some notes for success:
You will be graded on the overall strength of your arguments and the effectiveness of your use of logos, pathos, and ethos. We have seen what makes good arguments for each of those categories, so be sure to review your notes from lecture.
This should be written in essay format. However, if you enjoyed using the Scholastic Dispute method, this is a good organizational tool for outlining and drafting your paper.
You do not have to include counterarguments, but this can be a way of strengthening certain types of arguments.
There is no predetermined number of citations that you must include, but you should include some citations in order earn full points.
As we’ve discussed, making arguments with ethos can be more difficult than making arguments with logos and/or pathos. For this assignment, it may be helpful to determine how you will present yourself to your 30 fellow students to get them to side with you. How can you present yourself as credible, virtuous, or an agent of goodwill?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Speech Essay
Hello everyone, I trust that you are all well this afternoon. As you all know, I am Ms. (name) RD, an aspiring clinical Nutritionist, and diet therapist. I derive joy from interacting with young people who are interested in eating right and keeping fit. Today I wish to talk about the adverse effects of overindulging in junk food consumption. A wise doctor once said, 'We are what we eat.' Another learned doctor said that the future doctor would no longer be medicine and pharmaceutical products, but a good diet and consistent healthy eating habits.
I will start by defining junk. It is utterly insane that a person will argue that homemade chips are not junk food and are healthy to indulge in. What is more astonishing is a person who claims that unflavored fruit salad is junk food, especially if it has bananas in it. The question is, what is junk food? Junk food entails highly processed snacks that are overloaded with calories in the form of sugar and fat. Junk food has a minimal amount of minerals, vitamins, and fiber since it is highly processed (Dunford et al.). Examples of junk include but are not limited to chips, cookies, burgers, cakes, soda, sweetened fruit juice, pastries, and candy.
Junk food is known to cause obesity and overweight. Obesity is classified as malnutrition, where the Body Mass Index (BMI) is above 30 kilograms per meter squared. Overweight is characterized by a BMI between 25 to 29.9 kilograms per meter squared (Singh et al.). Due to their low satiating power, one is likely to overindulge in junk food consumption, which leads to a sharp increase in their fat profile, leading to obesity. These foods contribute to a considerable number of calories without changing one's appetite. A scientific review of thirty-two studies found out that for every serving of a beverage sweetened with table sugar, different people added 0.12 to 0.22 kilograms over one year (Singh et al.). Over several years, this number is likely to translate to several pounds. As you can all see, over-indulging in junk food and weight gain are inseparable. Obesity and overweight are responsible for several physiological messes in the body that result in lifelong complications. Think about it, choose health by eating healthy and avoiding junk, or choose obesity and overweight. The choice is yours.
Another common consequence of overindulging in junk food consumption is Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a physiological condition that occurs when the body no longer senses insulin, an essential hormone that helps to lower and regulate blood sugar. Overindulging in junk food promotes excess body fat, low amounts of high-density lipoproteins, and high blood pressure, which quickly and rapidly places one at risk of type 2 diabetes (Champ et al. 70-73). The most shocking thing about type 2 diabetes is linked to several other physiological ...
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