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Communication Disorders Quarterly Journal

Essay Instructions:

WRA 101Prof. Kimberly Ann PriestHelp Your AudienceWantNew IdeasInstructionsFor this assignment, you will explore an academic journal within your discipline. You will need to find this journal online through theuniversity’s online library tool. You can access a journal at https://browzine(dot)com/libraries/118/subjects. CAN BE A JOURNAL ABOUT COMMUNICATIONS SUCH AS THE JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS, JOURNALISM AT MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY OR SIMILAR. But first, you should watch the library tutorial in this section and complete the Discovery Writing assignment.After choosing and thoroughly assessing your journal, you will write anessay that addresses several aspects of that journal such as:•its aesthetics/appearance•titles and subtitles and what they indicate•the parts of the journal like the table of contents, notes, abstracts, etc. and why these are important to the journal•the individuals such as editors, researchers, and publishers who compose the journal and articles within.•how the various parts are arranged in the journal and why they are arranged this way•the arrangement of the essays in the journal and how they are conversing with each other•the rhetorical elements of the written works in the journal including specific research terms and their definitions.You should use this essay to narrate and inform. Narrate as though you are doingan inquisitive exploration of the journal and inform your audience of the unique qualities of its discipline. In this essay, you should express your opinion of the exploration, how you feel about encountering new information, and what you are learning through this experience.As you explore the journal, make your audiencewantto learn about the journal. Think of yourself as an anthropologist who has found an artifact belonging to another culture. Be curious and lead your reader on this journey.For this assignment, youmustdiscuss the ideas, arguments, terms, and/or authors of different articleswithin the journal to show the conversation happening betweenthem. This does not mean you need to fully understand the material in these articles; only that youneed to show what these articles and authorsseem to be saying in common or in contrast. Are they asking and answering some of the same research questions? Do they agree on a particular topic or are they in conflict? Do they use similar research and research questions, or not? Answer questions like this.The journal, and any individual articles you refer to,should be cited at the end of the essay in the citation format used by that discipline.You can google citation styles simply by searching something like “Citation Style for Social Sciences.”Use Purdue Owl and any other tools introduced in the library session to help you correctly format citations and the citation page.Some of my students misunderstand this assignment and choose a single article to explore. This is NOT correct. You are looking at a whole journal with several articles in it and should be familiarizing yourself with all of them. If you are unsure that you are choosing the right item for this assignment, come to my office hours!We can easily discuss this far in advance of when the essay is due.This essay should have a unique title and should be 1700-2000 words. Itis worth 150 points.

ENG 101: Freshman Composition, ©2013Central Michigan UniversityA4: Writing to Share Experiences2| P a g eFormattingAll final projects should be composed in a standard, 12-point Times New Roman font,and double-spaced.Word count MUST appear in the top left-hand corner of your draft.Your project should be saved as a Word document and submitted to the assignments section of our course in the designated area for that assignment.You will also need to include a citation page and create proper in-text citations in the citation style of your journal. First, find out what citation style your journal uses (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc) then learn (if you don't already know) how to cite in that style. Below, I have listed some common questions and answers with tutorials to help you.Revision SummaryWrite at least 200 words below the final draft that summarizes all of the things you changed from the first to the final draft of the essay.Word count MUST appear in the top left-hand corner of your summary.Due DateAs stated in the syllabus, all assignmentsare due on the assigned day at midnight; late papers will not be automatically accepted unless we have come to a prior arrangement. I reserve the right to refuse to accept any late work.Ifa late assignment is accepted after the deadline, it will be penalized according to the instructor’s discretion as laid out in the Syllabus.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Help you Audience Want New Ideas: Communication Disorders Quarterly Journal
"Communication Disorders Quarterly" journal provides an elaborative view on the problems associated with communication. The journal has at least seven articles with different authors focused on giving varied scenarios that involve communication disorders. It is an essential discipline since it opens the reader's eyes and makes them understand self-efficacy, mindfulness, and the causes of developmental language disorders, among other problems associated with the communication. Notably, most of the articles in the journal are written by pathologists who provide extensive information on communication challenges from a clinical perspective.
The journal writers also propose the most probable solutions to children who suffer from communication disorders. It is a current article that was published in 2021, and it reflects different views from different authors on the issues revolving around communication. All the seven articles have a common objective; however, every author is uniquely presenting their work. This paper will explore all the articles in the "Communication Disorders Quarterly" journal and determine their relationship to the topic area.
The Aspects of the Journal (Communication Disorders Quarterly)
The journal has an attractive cover page, making it comfortable for the readers to access all the work written therein. For example, the choice of color on the front page creates a calm atmosphere which motivates readers to explore the content. The journal is well structured to ensure it does not confuse while exploring other parts of the articles. Every article is designed to give a glimpse of the content. For instance, the articles have DOI, which helps in retrieving content online. The page also provides information about the articles regarding authors, year of publication, DOI, and where the research was conducted.
Titles and Subtitles
The titles and subtitles are well-positioned with different fonts. The front page, which presents the title of the journal, is written in larger fonts. The objective of making the fonts large compared to the subtitles is to make it easier for readers to navigate the journal. The subtitles are written in smaller fonts, and they reflect various articles in the whole journal. It is an ultimate way to make the entire content accessible depending on the needs of the reader.
Additionally, the subtitles are attached with the authors on every article, making finding articles and their respective authors easier. Every article is set uniquely, depending on the issues addressed in every piece. For example, immediately after the title of the articles, you can see the authors and the year of publish.
Every article has an abstract and subtitles, making it easier for readers to understand the content in the journal. The articles have been published by different authors and researchers from various universities. Well-structured titles and subtitles play a significant role in articles since they enhance readability. Without proper titles, it would be challenging to examine the research questions in a research project. The research has been conducted in varied universities such as Tel Aviv University, Florida International University, University of Brooklyn, University of Utah, University of Sothern Denmark, Korean Nazarene University, Arizona University, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands, and the University of Sydney. These articles have been compiled in one journal, but they have been derived from different research centers. Getting authors and researchers from different universities across the globe makes the work reliable and authentic.
The Arrangement of the Journal and Articles Therein
The journal is designed according to volumes and issues, which helps the audience to identify the most current issues. Of note, current issues and journal volume is arranged according to the year of the publisher. Every article is set to provide sufficient information to the readers. For example, they start with the title, authors, and year of publishing. The front cover of every article provides essential information and prepares the reader on the content therein. The article information is also provided before the abstract. The information is significant since it helps readers to know where the research came from. Other parts of the article include Abstract, method of study, data, discussion, and conclusion. All the features of the articles take the shape of a research paper, and it is the main reason they have similar structure and arrangement of content. Different authors have written the articles in this particular journal, and every research is done based on the needs of the authors.
However, the main statement in the articles revolves around communication disorders. When you check the abstract, you will find several items. Firstly, every article starts with a reflection of the study to prepare the audience on what to expect on the paper. "Factors Influencing Speech-Language Pathologists' Application of Terminology for Describing Pediatric Language Assessments" talks about SLP's. It also provides the study participants and the application of the taxonomy (Denman et al., 2020). To make it easier for readers and other researchers, the article also provides keywords immediately after the abstract. I believe these keywords play an integral role in an article since they give an overview of the research. Sometimes it might be challenging to determine the content in an article, but it becomes much easier with keywords. Every research must have a methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion; otherwise, a paper can lose its authenticity if it does not have these components. As discussed, the "Communication Disorder Quarterly" journal has seven articles. Every article in this journal has these components (Abstract, keywords, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion).
The methodology provides details on the approach used to achieve the results. For example, the number of samples subjected to the taxonomy assessment and their contributions to the results. Any research that does not have the discussed components can be termed invalid. Therefore, before choosing an article, it is vital to identify these elements.
Conversation Between the Articles
The articles converse with each other in different wa...
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