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Language and Literacy

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Language and Literacy
Language and literacy refer to different things, however, they are usually connected and considered as an influence towards the healthy development of lived experiences in society. Literacy is a meaningful tool that serves the purpose of engaging with sensible issues in society. The various advancements within the society make the level of interaction and engagement more crucial. On the other hand, language is one of the ways that shapes people’s thinking as well as behavior because it is part of a culture that initiates behaviors (Baldwin 5). Language and literacy development are no doubt a key part of child development that supports the ability to communicate, think, and enhance relationships. Through the analysis of various texts, this study explores the contributions of literacy and language practices as they pertain to lived experiences.
Pedagogy of the oppressed by Freire is crafted to reflect some of the key cultural actions that potentially lead towards self-emancipation, including a just society that is free from oppression. The works in this literary are prefaced with both an appraisal of existing observed concrete realities of oppression based on the culture of silence and fear of freedom shadowed by the power of radical education based on dialogue (Hooks, 21). Such educational power contributes largely to individual and societal liberation, where the consciousness is awakened to the reality of the societal happenings. The book provides for the justification of oppression and how it is overcome, the education process as an instrument for domestication. There is a further depiction of class struggles within the society featuring the oppressed and the oppressor (Freire 4).
From the perspective of Freire, the teacher is considered as the master knowledge in possession of absolute truth. In comparison, the student represents the recipient of the teacher’s insight as well as knowledge. The banking model represented in this literature presents a hierarchical authority that inhibits the level of creative imagination that promotes blind inclination towards the status quo (Freire 10). The system produces a slavery-like dichotomy capable of promoting perpetual obedience as well as some nature of passivity amongst the oppressed. The pedagogy of the oppressed presents some fundamental aspects of the human condition that relates to an individual’s innate capability that works corporately towards liberation from any form of oppression (Hooks, 22).
The development of an alternative approach to education, as Freire proposed, helps build a dialogical relationship between various classes within society (Hooks, 14). In this case, the various categories of people unite as partners within the process of building society. The aspect of learning and teaching through dialogue helps towards the achievement of cooperation through conscious development that ultimately transforms reality. The conscious development process forms the foundation of Freire’s radical pedagogy (Freire 25).
The concept of critical awareness as developed by Freire becomes a reality through reflection and the action that helps transform society (Freire 33). The dialogue presented within the text develops critical consciousness that requires changes through active intervention as developed through oppressive social reality. In this case, the development of love, humility, and faith follows a horizontal relationship where mutual trust between parties follows a logical consequence (Freire 91).
Pedagogy of the oppressed provides a key prerequisite that enhances the liberation process that ultimately ensures social justice. The concept of the dialogue is applicable as an ideology or instrument s for freeing up the oppressed in the society (Hooks, 35). Articulated dialogue provides the basis for cooperation, cultural synthesis, unity as well as structural organization. On the other hand, the application of anti-dialogic utilizes the aspect of conquest, manipulation aspects, and cultural invasion to maintain cultural hegemony that favors the wealthier in society (Freire 142). Crafting the narrative of the oppressed from such a perspective helps the writer understand the ruling-class worldview that justifies the status quo as originating through natural means and provides benefits across the social, economic, and cultural divide. The concept of authentic dialogue triggers some process of transformation on unjust reality through revolutionary leadership across cultures.
From Freire’s perspective, revolutionary leaders perform a central role in the struggle towards maintaining an equitable society. However, the oppressed should always take center stage towards initiating their emancipation process. This is reflected in the sentiments, “Only in the encounter of the people with revolutionary leaders, in their communion, in their praxis, can the theory of the dialogue through culture be built.” (Freire 183). The pedagogy of the oppressed provides some essential aspects that concern the human condition that operates under the tyranny of oppression, including the innate capacity that advocates for unity and individual commitment within the confines of liberal education. The literary works also make key contributions towards adult literacy and a wide understanding of the role of culture within the social transformation.
There is constant interrogation of the nature of partnerships across the world that portrays similarity in oppressive dimensions that is a reflection of progressive social change. The Pedagogy of the Oppressed combines the critique language creatively with the subsequent possibility that points to the emancipation of the oppressed from their various bondages (Freire 108). There is a clear depiction of how the project of justice alongside the language of freedom coincides with the aspect of pedagogy of justice, which is based on the premise of responsibility and non-discrimination (Baldwin 6). The literary language places resolve that on ethical construal of the key occurrences. On social justice, Freire, in his works, embodies the aspects of advocacy through public participation and consideration of class unity and relations. Notably, as portrayed in Pedagogy of the oppressed, social justice is incorporated through social movements (Hooks, 37). This is considered as a praxis that refers to a theory in motion that acts in place of physical dominance. Such an aspect of activism helps fight cases of racism that ultimately res...
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