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Exploration, The Colonies, and the Beginnings of Puritanism

Essay Instructions:
Read the selections assigned by your instructor from Exploration, The Colonies and the Beginnings of Puritanism. Please ensure that you are citing and analyzing the primary text--and perhaps secondary sources—in correct MLA format in support of your responses. 4. Reader Reaction: Each week, beginning in the second week of classes, you will be asked to write a reaction to the assigned readings. These reactions should reflect your understanding of and thoughtfulness about the readings. Thus, for example, you might comment on specific points within a reading with which you strongly agree or disagree; make connections or comparisons across the readings or with other literature you have read; comment on themes, social issues or implications for the future development of literature. It is not expected that you will undertake additional reading, beyond those works assigned, to complete a response although you may make reference to other works if you wish. 5. Explain how a strong sense of nationalism or loyalty to the crown informs the writing of the explorers. Illustrate with specific references. Do you think they are ever less than completely sincere? Explain with references to texts. 6. Contrast William Bradford's view of nature in Of Plymouth Plantation with Anne Bradstreet's in “Contemplations.” The book we are using is The American Tradition in Literature Twelfth Edition. By George Perkins & Barbara Perkins. ISB N: 0-07-723904-0
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Date: 19, December 2010.
Explorations, the Colonies, and the Beginnings of Puritanism
Puritanism was amongst the religious movement that begun in England church in the late 16th century. The background of Puritanism can be located in the early English reformation. The term puritan was just given to the group by its own enemies. Though, the epithet first appeared in 1560s, the procedure through which Puritanism passed through before developing started in 1530s, after King Henry’s repudiation papal power and changed the Rome church into a church of state in England. However the England Church maintained much of Roman Catholicism rituals and liturgy, and to many dissenters, it seemed as if it was not sufficiently reformed.
The puritans after the 17th century disappeared largely as apolitical entity, however, their ethics and attitude continued to have some impacts on the Americans. They explored virtues of traits that led to economic success, self-reliance, commerce, thrift and energy. They also influenced current social and economic kind of life. Their education concern was so much vital in developing the United State. The modern democracy is sourced from the political life of the state which from the congregational democratic church government idea of puritans.
This movement in 16th and 17th century wanted to purify the England church, which then led to civil war in England and the formation of colonies in America. Though they gained power during the civil war, but after restoration, they were dissenting minority again. Since they believed that they were chosen by God to reform history, some of them settled...
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