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Gulliver\'s Travels Part 4

Essay Instructions:
I have chosen Gulliver\'s Travels Part 4 as my topic. Here are my assignment details from my professor: You will write a paper which will include research over your topic, any one of the readings for Assignments 10-14. You will use 5 secondary, critical sources. While you will use the secondary sources to support your essay\'s thesis, the main purpose of the paper is to present your understanding and analysis of the work of literature, using effective quoted text from the work itself as support and evidence. This \"documented essay\" will be 4 pages in length (1,000 words), double-spaced (12 font), using MLA Style documentation. The only biography that you may use in the paper is that biography that helps to convey your points.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Book review: Gulliver\'s Travels Part 4 Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver cleverly testifies in his masterpiece and presents to the audience two sides of a story as he depicts the Yahoos and Houyhnmhnm. These two societies live in different places and practice varied cultures. In the story the author observes the use of honest and clear depiction which does not confuse the reader. The artwork is set in first person narration by the observer (Hinnant 11). This is evident in the sense of authenticity and conveyance of the story. In these two contexts, Swift testifies and also narrates his encounter of adventure with the host society. Throughout the narration, the audience derives relief because it is given by this first hand person experience. Further, the writer convinces the readers through this work by his nonuse of exaggeration and hearsay in the allegory. Swift, commendably throughout his book, observes journalistic application by reporting only what he has seen. This ability arouses suspense and the need for continuity in order to know what the narrator of the story has in store for the audience. Symbolically the author combines deferent ideas of rationale and ugly figures in one body to show destinations which can not be reached by traveling on land. This is evident in that his voyages are done using boats. However he incorporates utopia by saying that those who make to this distant lands are the daring. He supports this with laments that in order for  HYPERLINK "http://ads.associatedcontent.com/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a14de4a9&cb=429244540" \t "_blank" someone to attain rationale, the person should commit to thoughts of adventure, risk taking and also sacrifice potentially through bravery. However such bravery had never been explored by either the Yahoos or the Houyhnmhnm populace. To support his argument Gulliver says “no European ever did visit these countries including the Houyhnmhnm before me”, (482). This vital statement is there to mean that even the generation of Gulliver as much as Houyhnmhnm had never ventured away from their ancestral homelands. And this practice has been assumed by the both sides as natural. Underground currents of this can not be seen  HYPERLINK "http://ads.associatedcontent.com/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a14de4a9&cb=429244540" \t "_blank" on surface of society since things may all look orderly, neat, well, virtuous, and perfect. However, the reality as we realize from the Houyhnmhnm is different. This populace is lacking some of the most vital human elements. That lack is contained in the inability of Houyhnmhnm to hide the missing depiction of sensations in them. Gulliver supports this by his portraits of this populace at procreation; he says that in the land of Houyhnmhnm there are ‘no love children’. Gulliver indicates that his host community has stipulated guides that each couple should ‘produce one sex’ (466). And in the event of death to this single successful birth another birth can be realized to replace the formed gap. Another thing by locals, who form the majority of this place, shows no commitment attachments to their children “have no fondness for their colts or foals, but the care they take in educating them proceed entirely from dictates of reason,’ (466). Gulliver's Travels is mostly made of social commentary as well as a context of satire. It can be noted that at the time of his undertakings, the author in many instances was intercep...
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