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Should Colleges and Universities be Allowed to Place Limits on Free Speech?

Essay Instructions:

4 pages not including works cited page.

Essay 4: Writing an Inductive Argument Assignment: Write an essay in which you take a position on this question: “Should colleges and universities be allowed to place limits on free speech?” Organize your essay as an inductive argument, in order to practice this form that you may have never used. Length Requirement: 4 pages minimum—not counting the Works Cited page Format Requirement: MLA Style—Times New Roman font (12 pt.), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, page numbers (top right corner), first page header (your name, instructor name, class name, date), title, etc. → See pp. 345-351 for a model. Works Cited Page: Use proper formatting (review course PowerPoints for help) Due Date: Due on Canvas: Source Usage Requirement: 5 to 7 sources • Use 4 or 5 of the readings on free speech on college campuses that we have read as your source material, and be sure to document all information that you get from these sources. 1. “The Case for Censoring Hate Speech” by Sean McElwee 2. “The Unfree Speech Movement” by Sol Stern 3. “On Freedom or Expression and Campus Speech Codes” by the American Association of University Professors 4. “Intimidation Is the New Normal” by Jonathan Haidt 5. “Talking Past Each Other on Free Speech” by Laurie Essig 6. “Colleges Have No Right to Limit Students' Free Speech” by Cliff Maloney • You MUST also use 1 or 2 sources from the Internet or library—in addition to the ones in your book. Some Basic Guidelines about this Essay Type and Organization I. Introduction  Present an overview/background of the issue.  Include a statement that the topic is important & needs further exploration (Informative “Thesis”). Do NOT state an opinion (Argumentative Thesis) yet. II. Body Paragraphs  Present evidence (this may take multiple paragraphs and includes facts, observations, expert opinions, etc.) on BOTH sides of the issues.  Present the arguments against the evidence; in other words, present any counterarguments/opposing positions you find.  Make inferences from the evidence and counter-evidence. III. Conclusion  Based on the evidence, draw a conclusion or conclusions and state your opinion on the issue (Argumentative Thesis).  Make an observation (observations) about the importance of the topic.

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April 18, 2021
Should Colleges and Universities be Allowed to Place Limits on Free Speech?
Colleges and universities are home to a young adults who will soon contribute to our society, and these students must engage themselves in how our society works. They can even influence the government by utilizing their freedom of speech. Most colleges and universities usually engaged themselves in a protest to let the higher official hear their objection; these actions are a great way to practice one's freedom of speech. Furthermore, sometimes debates are making to expand their knowledge, by expressing one's thought and sharing it with others while at the same time gaining new knowledge. Freedom of speech or free speech is the right of anyone to state his or her opinion without limits and punishment from the government. Although freedom of speech sounds like it is all for a positive cause, it sometimes is not misusage of this privilege that can ignite anger and hate in another individual.
With all these positive outcomes of freedom of speech and some of its negative impacts, the question is, "should colleges and universities be allowed to place limits on free speech?". The answer is uncertain because mishandling these rights can be troublesome, especially when higher officials get involves. However, further exploration of this issue can shed light on its resolution.
Should Colleges and University be Allowed to Place Limits on Free Speech?
Expression of speech without restraint is essential in developing society. According to CITATION IND16 \l 1033 (Index on Censorship) freedom of expressing one's opinion is considered a fundamental human right. This freedom of expression is the critical factor in making a change in our society, and it is written in the First Amendment that expressing one's thoughts and opinions is the right of every citizen.
Freedom of speech can have a good or bad effect depending on the user, according to "Free Speech on Campus" by Erwin Chemerinsky and Howard Gillman, because universities are striving to promote an environment conducive to learning to all students. Faculty members often disrupt, punish or restrict any speech that makes the learning environment hostile for other students or, in more straightforward words limiting the student's freedom of speech to avoid hurting others.
Nevertheless, using speech to protect others is considered a must. Protest everywhere is being made to hear the voice of the common social groups heard by the government. It is a must for a free country. As Anthony Lewis said in his book "Freedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendment," freedom to write and speak as your heart desire is the inescapable need for a democratic country. As college and university students became adults, they are more exposed to how our country works; thus, expressing their thoughts and ideas freely should be their privilege.
Another study suggested by (Cauce) is that university campuses are in nature, a place where students discuss and debate their stand and beliefs. These discussions and debates are purely for educational purposes and are crucial for their learning and experience because this ...
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