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Canada and the World

Essay Instructions:

"Canada is the largest north American country but has a population two times less than its US counterpart. Canada has one of the biggest economies in the world, but it is not population dense. International students pay bigger tuition fees than any students in Canada but get paid equally in their part-time jobs and receive same education as any other student. I believe if Canada direct all their investment towards young people around the world between 16-19 years of age who have high school education but require a bachelor’s degree it would help to build a stronger economy than its US counterpart. "

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12 04 2021
Essay Proposal
Despite its large geographical size in the North American continent, Canada's population is half the size of its U.S. counterpart, a disadvantage to its economic advancement. More robust world economies are known to invest in education, research, and development. Numerous surveys have confirmed that foreigners, whether international students or highly skilled immigrants have in the past spearheaded innovations and discoveries of new products more than the natives. The surveys elaborate that international students most often venture into STEM fields more than the natives, leading to innovations. If Canada wants to benefit from the talented international students, most of which already prefer the country as their study destination, it should subsidize the high tuition fees. Therefore, Canada should direct enormous investments towards international students aged between 16-19 if it wants to surpass the U.S economy.
International study is Canada's crucial pillar towards its long-term economic growth plans. And normally, young talented students are the future of any economic growth and development since they would naturally end up in the Research and Development (R&D) sectors of the economy. Canada has in the past bolstered its international education program and currently occupies the number one spot as the world's preferred study destination. International students who immigrate to Canada often bring new ideas, cultures and stimulate innovations and startups that contribute to their economic progress. Numerous international students have co-founded various startups in the country, like HeyOrca Inc. This fast-growing social media startup platform enables various agencies to utilize the social network as a business tool to streamline their workflows. It is a company based in St. John's, Newfoundland, and Labrador, co-founded by Sahand Seifi (Iran) and Joseph Tao (Malaysia), both alumni of Memorial University. HeyOrca Inc. has so far secured more than $ 2.65 million in capital investment and generates income for Canada's economy. It is a perfect example of how Canada can benefit from investing in young talented international students.
If Canada spends more...
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