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Clean Sweep: Emotions And Logical Approaches Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

RHETORICAL ANALYSIS                         

INTRODUCTIONAmong the most valuable skills you can take with you from college is the ability to think critically. Among the attributes of one who can think critically is the ability to objectively analyze arguments and to identify and assess rhetorical strategies in a variety of mediums, including political speeches, advertisements, sales pitches, or letters to the editor.  Identifying rhetorical techniques such as emotional, logical, or ethical appeals does not necessarily discount what you read or hear, but it does enable you to evaluate the effectiveness of their use in given situations and to recognize when an argument is not adequately supported.  Some rhetorical strategies are quite subtle. For example, does a political candidate’s roots in Kansas really put him or her more in touch with the common person than a candidate from Florida?  Or will this or that diet program really make you a happier person as an advertisement implies?  In short, people are barraged with arguments constantly, some more important than others, but many of which can make a difference in daily life.  In other words, when you can separate out what is being said from how it is presented, you are free to make more informed and objective choices.
This assignment will give you practice in analyzing the rhetoric of an argument from your class text.  Your focus will be on how the writer establishes ethos through language and his or her use of emotional and logical appeals to an intended audience.  In this process you will pay close attention to such things as the author’s diction, tone, and use of figurative language in creating the three different types of appeals.
WHAT IS A RHETORICAL ANALYSIS?Most of the time when we read we are primarily interested in what an author is trying to say; we try to understand the point he or she is putting across.  When doing rhetorical analysis, however, we are more interested in how something is being said. That is, we pay special attention to how a writer attempts to persuade his or her audience.  We look beyond the message to the strategies and tactics a writer uses in making an argument.  In short, “rhetorical analysis” involves breaking an argument into its parts to understand how those parts contribute to the argument as a whole.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Clean Sweep
Cleaning after the fans and working in the thick of the night is the job that some of the immigrants find themselves doing. It is not even permanent and as there no benefits other than the occasional lunch of finding valuables and money from the garbage that they collect. Collecting more than 15,000 pounds of garbage in night is a norm that the workers are used to. They find themselves without work and they turn to the night job, where they can make some meagre earnings to sustain themselves and those who can their families. Kohls appeals to the readers through the use of the ethos and emotions and logical approaches. This paper reviews the emotions, ethos and the logic that is presented in the article to help the audience better connect with and the plight of the workers (Kohls, Ryan).
The author starts off by appealing to the logic of the readers. He points out with the facts in reference to the forty thousand fans and despite the numbers the stadium belongs to the fans. Like any sport, it is only good as the fan base that support the same. This is an aspect that largely associated with the fact that, the more the fans the more interesting the game is (Kohls, Ryan). As such, whenever the fans come to see the game, it is their stadium. They dictate the strength of the team and the financial might of the club. However he is quick to draw the audience away from a more important crowd, the cleaners who are congregated at gate three, they waiting to clean up after the fans. After the game, the stadium is all theirs. They have to clean ever square foot of the stadium making sure that it is spackling before they leave in the morning (Kohls, Ryan).
By applying the principle of pathos the author is keen to use the emotions that are associated with the plight of the workers. That author is keen to use imagery in the article, showing the pain of the workers and helping the audience to connect with the pain of the immigrants. As the workers are waiting outside are described as grim-faced. They are not happy, it is the sad affair of their life that is most sticking. More important...
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