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Compaer and Contrast City vs. Country Living

Essay Instructions:

It is a compare and contract essay.
*750 words
*no citations or works cited
*3rd person only – use nouns or 3rd person pronouns (he, she, it or they and any of their forms)
*No forms of I, you, or we or any of their forms
*No contractions – write out the words (don't = do not)
*No questions – rephrase to statements
*A format for the thesis sentence is:
A and B are alike in the areas of a, b, and c while different in the areas of d, e, and f.

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DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" 13 March 2017
City vs. Country Living
The city life and the country life are entirely different in their own ways. This is especially real when it comes to infrastructure and running of daily businesses. However, when a person experiences these lifestyles from a different perspective, he or she will realize that they have more differences than similarities.
The City Life
So many things make the city life more interesting and different from the country. The city life has a variety of services and choices of living than it is about the country life. It is easy for a person to access almost all the necessary things in life at any time of night or day. For example, the introduction of internet marketing has provided mail order for necessities such as food which is an entirely different vocabulary when it comes to the country life. When it comes to public transportation, cities that live next to or close to amenities usually do not need to carry the burden of buying a car, which saves a lot of money for an individual as access to transport facilities is very varied.
The fact that no need to worry about amenities like a car which enables one to save financially on the cost of the car and maintenance. If it was in the country, just having to go get a parcel will mean driving to the post office, unlike the city where it is delivered at the doorstep. People in the city also enjoy having access to a variety of jobs and careers. This means that a child educated in the city and one educated in the country will experience learning differently. For those in the country, education environment is very limited. In the city, a learner gets access to unending educational seminars, webinars, learning trips, media education programs and learning group as compared to education in the country. After learning, job opportunities are very open in the city than in the country. Whether you are a mechanic, a banker or an analyst, getting a job in the city is much easier than it is in the country. People in the city are always juggling from one job to the next, this means that they are able to make choices of careers as access to jobs is open as compared to those living in the country.
With access to jobs, come access to services in the city, it is easier to get a variety of services on demand while living in the city than it is while living in the country. People in the city also do not have to hassle a lot when looking for a place to live. There are di...
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