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Describe Crime And Punishment In American Pop Culture

Essay Instructions:

The Secondary Source Integration asks you to revisit your work in the Primary Source Analysis and the Annotated Bibliography. You will extend or rethink your analytical claims and integrate secondaryevidence seamlessly and effectively into your own writing.
Below you will find a list of objectives for the assignment. Be sure to follow the directions outlined in Getting Started and Completing the Assignment carefully and to consult our textbook Writing Analytically as you seek to extend the work completed in STEP 1: Primary Source Analysis.
Identify two (2) timely, useful, credible, and relevant secondary sources from Step 2: Annotated Bibliography. Your work with these sources should help you revise and extend the work you completed in Step 1: Primary Source Analysis.
Demonstrate the ability to comprehend the central arguments of these sources.
Perform meaningful, thoughtful analysis of these secondary sources—in other words, enter into a conversation with the sources by making the sources speak rather than letting them speak for themselves.
Assert and maintain your own critical voice rather than letting the secondary evidence speak for you.
Integrate secondary sources into your analysis by paraphrasing and/or directly citing the writers' language and ideas.
Include proper in-text citations of each source and an appropriately formatted Works Cited page using MLA guidelines.
Getting Started:
Return to your Primary Source Analysis, look over my comments, and decide which parts you plan to focus on in your final paper. This may require extending or deleting parts of your initial analysis.
Consider each secondary source's main argument and how it relates to, supports, complicates, or differs from the argument you plan to make in your final paper.
The Secondary Source Integration should not simply be added on to the end of your Primary Source Analysis but rather woven in and responding to specific elements of your own analysis.
Choose two sources that will allow you to engage in conversation, not just sources that agree with or support your main point.
Completing the Assignment:
Once you have selected your two sources, use the secondary evidence to extend and revise the analysis completed in Step 1: Primary Source Analysis. Take this opportunity to add new sentences to existing paragraphs, to add new paragraphs, and, in general, to revise the existing Primary Source Analysis. After this extension and revision, the completed assignment should be 4-5 pages.
In order to complete the extension and revision of your previous work, consider the following steps:
Focus on your own analytical claims. Interaction with secondary sources should allow for your Research Questions to evolve and to take shape, and revise or extend claims made in the previous assignment.
Focus on analyzing and integrating the secondary evidence into the conversation. You should especially focus on:
Creating a critical conversation. This move requires that you understand the arguments of the secondary sources, are able to convey this understanding via paraphrase and direct citation, and explain how this argument explicitly connects to your own ideas and/or the ideas of others. As the title suggests, the emphasis of this step is on you making the sources speak rather than letting the words that you paraphrase or cite speak for themselves or for you; instead, maintain your own critical voice and make clear that the secondary evidence is one part of the conversation, not the featured speaker.
Integrating sources into your own writing by using direct quotation and paraphrasing.
Citing sources in proper MLA Style. You should end the assignment with correct MLA Works Cited entries of the two secondary sources and your primary source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Crime and Punishment in American Pop Culture
Secondary Source Integration
Pop culture in America is well -known. It consists of the values norms, beliefs taste, and preferences of American people. The pop culture has functioned to tie Americans who have culture differences into a unified identify of culture. Pop culture has items that range from music, food, film, television programs sports among others. The following discussion will therefore, entail representation of crime and punishment in music, television programs and sports items of the pop culture in America.
Elliott Currie’s Crime and Punishment in America of 2013 is an important source of information when it comes to the understanding of crime, punishment and the general culture in the U.S. Currie is a renowned criminologist, and his input in the entire situation plaguing the country, is indeed an important and credible undertaking. His expertise and experience are well captured in his discussions in the book. It is an important secondary source in this case, as it captures and builds up on the arguments brought forth by Anne-Marie Cusac in her book: Cruel and Unusual: The Culture of Punishment in America of 200.
STEP 1: Primary Source Analysis
Anne-Marie Cusac’s book Cruel and Unusual: The Culture of Punishment in America of 2009, is a great scholarly resource. It is a great source of information on crime and punishment in the U.S and the manner in which the pop culture plays a role in it. Cusac is a veteran scholar, having written two other books. She has had more than 15 years’ experience in writing, and her input therefore, cannot be ignored. The source has been published quite recently, less than a decade ago, thereby offering an updated body of information that analyzes the present, then combines it with the past, to come up with a clear projection on what the future might contain.
STEP 2: Annotated Bibliography
Cusac, Anne-Marie. Cruel and Unusual: The Culture of Punishment in America. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. Internet resource.
America has always had quite a startling characteristic when it comes to the crime and incarceration situation. Its prison population seems to be increasing as the days go by. In this book, the author tries to dissect more into how there seems to be a direct proportionality between the imprisonment rates and the subsequent the nation’s perception towards crime as well as punishment. In so doing, the book, through its author, establish a clear argument about the American culture and how it relates to the manner in which crime is conceptualized, committed and even punished. The American culture is therefore discussed, to bring a better understanding of how criminal minds are wired. The pop culture is well covered, and its connection to the high crime statistics in the nation. The author covers a lot of areas, such as corporal punishment, torture as well as punishment through physical pain. This book is a great source of information for scholars who aim to understand the historical development of the American attitudes in relation to crime and punishment.
Currie, Elliott. Crime and Punishment in America. , 2013. Print.
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