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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Character Development in The Story of an Hour

Essay Instructions:


1 GuidelinesEssay 1 Guidelines

For the first essay, you must choose one of the short stories provided in the Lesson 2 Short Story Readings folder. Focus on either setting, point of view, or character development.

This essay is ANALYTICAL. IT IS NOT A SUMMARY. Do not retell the story; assume your reader has read it. Check your calendar for the due date and due time! Your essay should have the following components:

Your essay mus t have these components:

(1) an introduction ,

(2) body ,

(3) conclusion ,

(4 ) thesis statement ,

(5 ) good development ,

(6 ) topic sentences, and

(7) transition words .

Your paper must be double-spaced, two full pages (about 600 words), and written in 12 point Times New Roman MLA format document.

You must cite your main source (primary source), incorporate and cite 2 secondary sources from the GTC library databases, and adhere to MLA style formatting.

- YOU MUST DO RESEARCH to aid you in writing this assignment, and you must use proper MLA documentation that accurately credits your sources. You CANNOT recycle a paper from a previous class and submit it for credit. Each paper must be a newly written work. Please review the college's plagiarism policies.

-For this assignment, a secondary source is one that discusses or analyzes your chosen story. Many academic journals contain articles that discuss short stories. You must locate your secondary sources from the library databases (such as Gale Literary Databases, Academic Search Complete, Literature Resource Center, Gale Virtual Reference Library).

Secondary sources such as Shmoop, Cliff's Notes, SparkNotes, enotes.com, bookrags.com, 123helpme.com, Wiki anything, exampleessays.com, or any sources from open web searches ARE UNACCEPTABLE. Your secondary source must come from an academic journal or published book


-If you submit an essay with plagiarized material in it, you will receive a 0 on the assignment, and for repeated offenses, it could result in dismissal from the course.

-Primary Source: The piece of literature in the Lesson 2 Short Story folder you are analyzing is your primary source.

-Secondary Sources: The literary criticism found in the Literary Reference Center in GALILEO is the secondary source. 2 secondary sources is the minimum required for this assignment.

- Use MLA FORMAT (Times New Roman 12; double spaced; 1 inch margin; heading; header with last name page number inserted using header function).

- You must use quotations from both the literature selection you are analyzing AND from your two secondary sources (minimum). Use correct MLA in-text formatting. Remember that quotations must connect to your words and cannot stand alone in the essay.

- When quoting from a story, you use the author and page number in the parentheses.


Introduction (at least 5-6 sentences)

___Your introduction should be about five to six sentences long (including your thesis).

___Preferably, your thesis should have three clear points. You may have a two-point thesis, but you still need to have three body paragraphs.

___Mention the name of the author and the author’s work.

Body Paragraphs (at least 9-10 sentences)

A standard essay has three body paragraphs. YOU MUST ANALYZE SOMETHING!!DON’T SUMMARIZE!!

___Each body paragraph should start with a transition word and have a topic sentence. Most paragraphs are about nine-10 lines long.

___ All body paragraphs should have well-developed examples. Write precise, thorough examples to prove your thesis.

___Transition words (meanwhile, furthermore, therefore, finally, first, second, in conclusion)

___Topic sentences

___ You must have at least one in-text citation per body paragraph ( no more than two in-text citations per body paragraph, including blended or direct with signal phrases, quotation marks, and parentheticals).

Conclusion (at 5-6 sentences)

___Your conclusion should restate the main idea of your essay in an interesting way.

__ Conclusion should wrap up ideas mentioned in body

Grammar and Mechanics

___ No glaring grammar mistakes (fragments, agreement issues, verb tense shifts, run-ons, comma splices, wordiness, awkward sentence structures, no comma errors or punctuation errors, misspelled, no grammar and mechanics related errors)

___ Mature vocabulary, diction, and syntax are evident.

___ Sentence structure shows control and some variety

Audience and Tone

___ Academic papers require the use of formal language.

___ Avoid slang language (no text message language).

___Use the third person point of view (he, she, one, a person, etc.), not the first person point of view (I), or the second person point of view (you).

Works Cited Page

___You must have a works cited page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name

Professor's Name

Class Information


Character Development in The Story of an Hour


In Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour," the central character, Louise Mallard, undergoes a remarkable transformation within a single hour. The story revolves around Louise's initial state of emotional repression, her awakening to newfound freedom, and the tragic irony of her ultimate fate. Through meticulous use of symbolism, sensory experiences, and thematic exploration, Chopin crafts Louise's character development, providing readers with a profound insight into the human experience.


The Repressed Beginning

At the outset of the story, Louise Mallard is introduced as a woman afflicted with heart trouble, which serves as a metaphorical representation of her emotional vulnerability. Her initial emotional state is one of repression and confinement, mirroring the societal norms of the late 19th century. Upon receiving the news of her husband's death, Louise reacts with conventional grief, weeping "with sudden, wild abandonment" in the arms of her sister, Josephine (Chopin). This initial portrayal of Louise establishes her character as a woman bound by the conventions of marriage and societal expectations, with little room for personal 

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