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Central Idea and Character and Conflict: Cat Person Story by Kristen Roupenian

Essay Instructions:

every element you write about in your essays is tied directly to Central Idea. This is what the basis and support of your essays should be. Solely. The author has a thousand choices to make and has made the decision to use these particular elements based on what he or she is trying to say in the short story, what the theme is.


Do not refer to the author by first name only. Use a mixture of:

Last name only

Full name

“the author”

“the writer”

When writing about fiction, the actions in the story are always written about in present tense. I will not point out every instance of it done incorrectly in your essay.

Try to avoid first and second person whenever possible.

In your introduction must be the title, the author, a brief brief synopsis of the main points of the story and the central idea. Later on, the elements of fiction being discussed may also be included.

Short story titles are put in quotation marks. Thus, when referring to “The School” or other stories it is punctuated like this.

For the central idea:

Central Idea paper --- 300 – 500 words (+ / - 50) and at least two paragraphs: an intro and a body paragraph. Your introduction will include the author’s name, the title of the story, and a very brief synopsis of the story in which only the main points are covered. The last sentence of the first paragraph is a good place to identify the story’s central idea. The words “central idea” would be helpful if used.

A second paragraph will use textual evidence from the story usually in the form of quotations and paraphrasing in order to support your central idea. ***This is the main point of the essay and all the subsequent essays. Support what you claim is the central idea.

Use MLA format and cite the work at the end of the essay.

For Character and conflict:

Character and Conflict --- 750 - 1000 words. Will include everything you did for the Central Idea paper along with a brief discussion of the single primary and one, or at the most two, secondary characters. You will need to identify whether each character is static or dynamic, whether they are round or flat, and how they are presented, directly or indirectly. Please back this up with textual evidence.

Furthermore, identify the primary and the secondary conflicts, and whether each one is internal or external. Include whether a resolution is present or not and what actions are taken toward resolution. As always, back this up with textual evidence using MLA format and cite the work at the end of the essay also using MLA format.

Please write the essay after you read the attached story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Cat Person Story
The Cat Person story by Kristen Roupenian is an inspiring tale of a college student called Margot. The narrative highlights the subject of a hookup that does not go as planned. According to the author, Margot is a college student and movie theater employee who starts dating Robert, a much older man. While the relationship seems exciting in the beginning, things become worse when both engage in a sexual activity that Margot was initially interested in. However, one can argue that alcohol might have contributed to this feeling. The reason is that their first kiss gave her a wrong impression of Robert. Nonetheless, after the sexual encounter, Robert changes, and he is no longer the sweet person Margot knew. He begins texting and calling her a whore, revealing the central idea of dating and consent.
Dating and consent is the story's central idea. The dating aspect is revealed when Margot is having a conversation with her father. The latter was curious why she was texting all the time, and she responded by saying, "His name is Robert, and I met him at the movie theatre. We're in love, and we're probably going to get married" (Roupenian 3). The author also highlights moments where consent is used across the text, often through questions that Margot asks Robert and vice-versa.
Concerning conflict, Margot is in a dilemma regarding whether Robert loves her or not. She questions her judgment based on the latter's behavior and actions toward her. Initially, their conversations suggested that he was deeply interested in her. For example, he often responded almost immediately when she texted him. However, it was questionable that when she did not text, Robert often responded as if he was disinterested in the chat. The conversation was also not as interesting as it usually was. This confused Margot because she could not gauge Robert's real desire for her. "Soon, she noticed that when she texted him, he usually texted her back right away, but if she took more than a few hours to respond, his next message would always be short and wouldn't include a question, so it was up to her to re-initiate the conversation" (Roupenian, 2). In this case, there was no resolu...
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