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Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz-Argument

Essay Instructions:
Looking at the conscious and subconscious, symbols, dreams, addictions, nightmares and other elements in Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin alire saenz, analyze the book using psychoanalytical theory. Analyze the story's plot, theme, and characters, providing details from the story to back your argument up. Please note that plot summary alone is an insufficient method of making your argument. Remember, like any essay, you need a strong thesis statement, strong topic sentences that support the thesis statement, and supporting details. This essay should be 4 pages long and include proper MLA style citation, both in-text and in a bibliographic page. The Parts of a Literary Essay THESIS STATEMENT An argumentative thesis statement (or main point). By argumentative, we mean that the statement must be something that you have to prove. A factual statement, e.g., his poem was written by Benjamin Alire Saenz, or his poem is set in the border region, or plot and characters work together to produce theme is not an argumentative thesis statement. A statement that you might have to prove might look like this: misery by Anton Chekov, we learn that it is not necessary to seek human comfort to alleviate our grief; however, it is necessary that we find some method for communicating our sorrows to a sympathetic ear. SUPPORTING STATEMENTS Statements that support the thesis statement. In each paragraph, you will need a topic sentence that directly supports your argument. Plot summary and summary of each character in the story does not automatically lend support to your argument. You must make statements that support it. EVIDENCE Use details from the story lot summary, character summary, specific metaphors, quotes, dialogue in the story to prove your supporting statements. Of course a literary essay also has an introduction and a conclusion but here I am mainly concerned with you understanding how to make an argument and how, specifically, to make an argument about a literary work. please use sample word in this essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz-Argument
The paper is an argumentative work based on the book written by Alire Saenz titled Last Night I Sang to the Monster. This is made possible by employing psychoanalytical theory. Issues relating to conscious and subconscious, symbols, dreams, addictions, nightmares and other elements are thoroughly sort after to support the thesis statement; A time, we are the enemies of ourselves, personal thought instigated by negative surrounding can lead us to destroy ourselves, nevertheless, there is always room for mending things when we change our thinking concerning our troubles.
It has been noted and I agree that psycho-problems facing human being are as results of both internal and external factors. However, there are a substantial amount of the problems that are created within us- what has been termed as our own mental defect. Dalai Lama said that this is internal lack and are unnecessary because if individuals can adopt a positive mental attitude, then we could not be having trouble. Man suffers mentally because of differences in ideology, religion perceptions among other things (Wright 87). On the same note, according to Laplanche & Pontalis 49 there is always room for those individual affected by various psycho-problems such as phobia, compulsion, obsession, anxiety attack, shyness, obnoxiousness among others. What this individuals need to do it to show a desire to start being treated. Additionally, the person need to have the ability to speak and communicate, this thus goes without saying that the power to recall what happened in the past is key in treated such persons (Wright 44).
According to Wright 23, psychoanalysis also known as Freudian psychology encompasses ideas brought forth by Sigmund Freud; it is the study of how human mind or function psychologically, additionally, the behavior is also scrutinized. The three components of the analysis investigating human mind and how they think, a series of followed theories concerning human behavior and finally a method of treating the psychological or metal problems.
I`m going to support the thesis statement. My supporting points are, the forgetting nature of Zach is a setback in trying to help him come out of the problems he is facing, he allowed the problems of his mother, father and an elder brother to lead him indulge in a drinking spree, lastly his negative attitude and perception about what God does to people seem to have plugged him into more trouble. Similarly, concerning the issue of mending his own life, after hearing the sad story of his friend Rafael, Zach turned a new leaf in his life; his testimony in the group therapy session was a major boost towards his recovery (Saenz 79).
Zach is remorseful and very bitter about his transgression, he seems to be blaming God, "I have it in my head that when we`re born, God writes things down on our hearts. See, on some people`s hearts he writes Happy and on some people`s hearts he writes Sad and on some people`s hearts he writes Crazy on some people`s hearts he writes Genius and on some people`s hearts he writes Angry and on som...
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