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Analyzing a Visual Argument

Essay Instructions:
I have pdf file that include details..Please write the option 1 For your final essay, consider how images increasingly shape argument in our screen- filled world. Your task for this essay will be to select ONE of the following options for analyzing visual argument. For either option, consider your classmates your audience -- someone intelligent and curious, not already familiar with your material, who appreciates clear, direct prose. OPTION 1: Choose one of the websites listed below and write a thesis-driven rhetorical analysis essay in which you examine the rhetorical effectiveness of the site. In your introduction, establish the argumentative conversation to which this argument is contributing. Briefly summarize the argument and describe the visual and verbal text. Then, present your thesis, previewing the rhetorical features that you find central to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of this site. Consider how the site makes its argument, not whether you agree with the content. A successful analysis relies on your objective judgments. Remember also that rhetoric encompasses any tools available for persuasion. For example, would it be useful to talk about the argument in terms of ethos, logos, pathos? Might you focus on design, ease-of-use, or images? To develop and support your own points, you will need to include visual features and details (such as color, design, images) as well as short quotations from any verbal elements of the site. As added evidence and illustration for your argument, include two images from the site in your essay. Choose from the following sites: - www(dot)tide(dot)com - www(dot)anwr(dot)org - www(dot)snickers(dot)com (Note: The image requirement is waived for this one – it's all Flash.) - www(dot)uh(dot)edu - http://www(dot)navy(dot)com/navy/ - http://www(dot)visithoustontexas(dot)com/ - http://www(dot)earthjustice(dot)org/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: Analyzing a Visual Argument
Analyzing a Visual Argument
These pictures were taken during the Kosovo war that broke out in 1999. The main reason for the war was ethnic violence between Serbians and Albanians then living within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The background of the war was the break up of Yugoslavia into various ethnic nations. Kosovo was an autonomous region in Serbia with a majority Albanian population living under Serb rule. The Albanians alleging mistreatment and neglect by the Serbian government wanted independence and self determination but the Serbian government would now allow for this to happen. After a tense standoff the region erupted into a vicious violence that resulted in a tragic humanitarian catastrophe when thousands of defenseless Albanians had to flee from Kosovo after attacks from the Serbian army and armed Serb militias.
In all wars the majority of those who suffer are neither the soldiers nor the politicians who instigate war in the first place. The Kosovo war was no different, innocent civilians were drawn into a vicious, bloody and bitter conflict from which they had no easy way out. The majority of these civilians fled into neighboring Albania looking for safety in refugee camps that had been set up there. These intimate photos depicting the plight of those refugees were taken in one of the camps by Carol Guzy from the Washington post newspaper. The impact that these photos had on the international public was immense, in the year 2000 Carol Guzy was nominated for and won the Pulitzer Prize for feature photography.
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© 1999, the Washington Post Company
Several techniques have been used in this photo to attract the attention of the viewer. The photograph shows the clever use of colors to draw attention to the children. The greying clouds represent turmoil perhaps signifying cause of the children’s current predicament. The children on the photo are also in drab clothes indicating the condition in which they are living. The ground in the background is also patchy perhaps indicating that instead of hope that would have been represented by complete greenery there is uncertainty facing the child refugees in their new life. The mountains in the background indicate a barrier between a life of conflict and violence on the other side and relative peace and uncertainty within the refugee camps. Dull colors have been used in the background to draw the viewer’s attention to the children first. Despite the plight and bad condition in which the child refugees are in, despite the turmoil that is just miles away indicated by the graying cloud...
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