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What Would Be Done To Auto Industry despite Roaming High Speed Trains

Essay Instructions:
In Chapter 8, Beavan questions, “What would we do with the auto industry if instead of building highways we built train lines?” (185). Analyze the environmental impact of high-speed trains—such as those available to commuters all over Europe. Why aren't trains as popular of an option to Americans as they are to Europeans? (comparison/contrast; cause/effect; process analysis)
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What Would Be Done To Auto Industry despite Roaming High Speed Trains
Auto industry is concerned with manufacturing and sale of motor vehicles. This industry is facing an intense competition from train industry. It is evident that most of the train rails are under construction and expansion yet little is done to construction of highways especially in Europe (Barry, 15).This is alarming and something has to be done. The thesis statement of this assignment shall evaluate on what would be done with the auto industry if instead of constructions of highways we built train lines.
There is high demand to save the world from global warming which is brought by carbon dioxide emission which is mostly emitted by motor vehicles. Thus, any idea that may reduce this gas and save the environmental pollution is to embrace seriously. According to Redshaw (64), for the world to be a safe place to live in, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should be 350 stack parts per million and below. This show why trains especially electrical trains are in increase especially in Europe.
However, depletion of oil reservoirs is another reason why auto industry is becoming infamous. Thus, an alternative method is always a welcome to the people in the industry. When the gasoline availability decline; the transport become unbearable due to high cost and a cheaper solution is considered. This makes train to be preferred to automobiles (Lynch, 88).
For auto industry to cope up with the competition from the rail industries, they should be creative. They should diversify manufacture of vehicle and produce many dual engines using electricity and organic fuel. They should also come up with a method of reducing carbon dioxide produced from the automobiles to the environment.
Auto industry is very important in the world. This is because; trains are limited toward reaching some parts where people and or goods are required. This makes it hard to wipe out completely the building of highways. If only the auto industry become creative enough and deal with environmental hazards emanating from their process, it can take the whole world in a storm. It is convenient to own a car and cheap than a train.
The Environmental Impact Caused By High-Speed Trains
High-speed train is a mode of transport using rail that operates at a higher speed than a convectional one. The rail operates by electricity. This makes it more fast and convenient to use as means of transport.
Use of high-speed train has some advantages and disadvantages towards the environment. This is because; it has been embrace differently in the whole world. In Europe and USA, it is of soon very common to passengers connecting towns and their suburbs. This has helped in decongestion of the cities, as most of the people prefer to live away from town due to various reasons. First being, cheap house rent, secondly, minimal pollution ranging from noise, air to water and many other reasons like privacy (Docherty, 241).
In this era of fighting global warming, fossil fuels usage should be minimal. Every country is trying to reduce green house gas emission thus need to use all means including high-speed rail to attain this. The weather patterns` has changed making it more unpredicted. The sea levels are increasing at alarming rate beckoning a fast and a lasting solution. High-speed trains have emerged in an appropriate time thus starting to change the people`s lifestyle regarding the mode of transport.
Due to increased need of using, a faster mode of transport, convenient and the most economical high speed emerges to be the most favorable. High-speed train`s moves very fast raging from 200km/h in European Union to 350km/h in (Dorn, 366). This eliminates inconveniences caused by automobile transport. This leads to increased economical growth as wastage of time reduces when commuting from home to work.
In every country, the issue of space utilization is a major factor. Thus, the mode of transport that uses minimal space is mostly preferable. Train uses less space compared to road transport. This has made it to be more preferable especially in areas where people are congested. Such place as cities and residential areas will always go for trains. There is evident increase of settlement along the railway lines.
Due to the technology that comes with the high-speed train, it is easy to automate. This makes it cheap and easy to access its s...
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