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British Author Essay - Mary Shelley

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Write a comprehensive, published, documented, grammatically correct essay that defines one major British author, analyzes several pieces of the author's literature, and reveals the characteristics of the literary era from which he or she comes.

Select an author and a due date from the list provided:
Modernism (1901-1945^   
•    T.S. Eliot
•    Virginia Woolf
•    William Butler Yeats
•    Ezra Pound
•    James Joyce
•    D.H. Lawrence
DUE DATE: Fri., Feb. j;i \   

Victorianism (1832-1901)

•    Alfred Lord Tennyson

•    Charlotte Bronte

•    George Eliot

•    Elizabeth Barrett Browning

DUE DATE: Fri., FeE728

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VRomanticism (1798-1832)
    William Wordsworth
•    Samuel Taylor Coleridge
•    George Gordon, Lord Byron
•    John Keats
•    Percy Bysshe Shelley
•    Mary Shelley

DUE DATE: Fri., March 21
REQUIREMENTS Point value: 100 points

Format: MLA formatting; typed; double-spaced; 12-pt. Times New Roman font. Length: 3-4 pages (but at least 3 FULL pages)

Tone: Academic; 3rd person; no "you" or 2nd person; avoid contractions and slang.

Content: Discuss the important, fascinating aspects of the author's life that makes him/her remarkable. To some extent, what you choose to write about will depend on your own research and findings. However, don't settle for simply listing obvious "factoids" and information. Come to your own conclusions and provide your own commentary about the author's writing and life. To do this, you'll need to discuss the characteristics about the era in which the author wrote. As you research, analyze at least THREE writing selections from the author (poetry or prose), and discuss common elements that you recognize.

Support: Use TWO sources in addition to the three writing selections you're analyzing. This means you'll have FIVE total sources, correctly formatted on a Works Cited page. No Wikipedia, Sparknotes, Cliffsnotes, Shmoop, etc.!

Organization: Attention-getter, thesis, separate paragraphs, transitions, topic sentences, and concluding sentences are all necessary.

Diction: Strive to use strong vocabulary, vivid verbs, and descriptive elements for added style.

Grammar: Omit comma splices, run-ons, and fragment errors. Check for pronoun/antecedent agreement errors, and use correct punctuation. Visit the Writing Lab! Before you turn in a final copy, READ EVERY WORD ALOUD (to yourself) TO CHECK FOR ACCURACY, TRANSITIONS, AND FLUENCY.


Assignment: Write a comprehensive, published, documented, grammatically correct essay that defines one major British author, analyzes several pieces of the author's literature, and reveals the characteristics of the literary era from which he or she comes. REOUIREMENTS Format: MLA formatting; typed; double-spaced; 12-pt. Times New Roman font. Length: 3-4 pages (but at least 3 FULL pages) Tone: Academic; 3rd person; no "you" or 2nd person; avoid contractions and slang. Content: Discuss the important, fascinating aspects of the author's life that makes him/her remarkable. To some extent, what you choose to write about will depend on your own research and findings. However, don't settle for simply listing obvious "factoids" and information. Come to your own conclusions and provide your own commentary about the author's writing and life. To do this, you'll need to discuss the characteristics about the era in which the author wrote. As you research, analyze at least THREE writing selections from the author (poetry or prose). and discuss common elements that you recognize. Support: Use TWO sources in addition to the three writing selections you're analyzing. This means you'll have FIVE total sources, correctly formatted on a Works Cited page. No Wikipedia, Sparknotes, Cliffsnotes, Shmoop, etc.! Organization: Attention-getter, thesis, separate paragraphs, transitions, topic sentences, and concluding sentences are all necessary. Diction: Strive to use strong vocabulary, vivid verbs, and descriptive elements for added style. Grammar: Omit comma splices, run-ons, and fragment errors. Check for pronoun/antecedent agreement errors, and use correct punctuation. Visit the Writing Lab! Before you turn in a final copy, READ EVERY WORD ALOUD (to yourself) TO CHECK FOR ACCURACY, TRANSITIONS, AND FLUENCY. '.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mary Shelley
Increased development in the aspects of globalization and industrialization led to a shift in the human nature and how they viewed the world and social cultures. The romanticism style in English literature came about in the years between early 1798 and 1832. Many people during this period wanted to break away from the political and social norms that were aristocratic. As a result, there was a movement of change related to being liberal by nature, from old mannerism theories to a new way of life. Writers became aware of the movement and became part of it, echoing sentiments of romanticism.
Fictions that were of romanticism literature came out as personal expressions of the mind and body. As such, while the rest of the older literature material was more organized with beginning, middle and the end of the stories, the romanticism focused more on the inner feelings and aspects of being conscious. It was expressed in the music, art and literature of the time. This meant that most of these literatures were written in first person, as the writers expressed their feelings and reflected on the society. Mary Shelley was one of writers to adapt this new technique. Mary was born in London, England on August 30th in 1797 and later on died on 1st of February 1851 in London, England.
Mary Shelley's mother was a famous political writer and her father was a philosopher known as William Godwin. She never met her mother as she died shortly after her birth. With the death of her mother, her father later in the year 1801, remarried to a lady called Mary Jane Clairmont. Shelley had a couple of rough patches from her mother dying, her step mother who despised her, losing her first children, husband, her half-sister and later on, the wife to her lover also committed suicide after which she battled cancer to her death (Maryshelley).
One of the best and most recognized works of Shelley is the novel Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein which had been published in the year 1823. In the novel, she brings up a character that is a scientist and who uses his knowledge in science and creates a monster in his laboratory. According to the novel, a scientist called Victor Frankenstein had been in pursuit of a huge man when he is rescued by a captain on voyage to the North Pole (Maryshelley). The idea of creating another monster in his lab is driven by meeting with the creature he had been hunting in the woods. The creature asks Victor to create a female for it. In the end, this creature in the woods that Victor had created brings him sorrow, pain and loss of all his loved ones and he dies from the struggle to confront the creature.
In 1826, Shelley published another novel titled The Last Man (The Biography Channel). This novel was also part of the pieces that got her recognition. In the novel, there was the usual creativity that Shell...
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