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Black Masculanity

Essay Instructions:
1. Provide a brief summary of the reading(s) -What was the main subject of the reading? -What is the historical context of the reading? (When was it written? What was happening, in the lives of Black folks during this time? *generally speaking) 2. dentification of problem or issue: -What problem is the author identifying? Whom does the problem relate to? -For whom is this topic important and why? -What relevant evidence or examples does the author give to support their justification? 3. Personal thoughts on the reading. -What did you like/appreciate about the readings? -What would you have liked to have more of/less of in the reading? -Was there anything that you need/want clarification on, in regards to what you read? 4. Making connections to the course learning/materials. -How is what you read reading different from what you already know? Why might this difference exist? -What new ideas are here for you to consider? -How does this reading connect to the course and/or provide a better understanding of the course topic? Sources: Black Masculinity, Homophobia, and HIV: An Unmasking | Marvin Toliver | TEDxWilmington https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=4Q8j1kcfSi4 #BlackPower IsFor BlackMen: A Necessary Discussion On Misogyny In The Black Community https://madamenoire(dot)com/291200/blackpowerisforblackmen-a-discussion-on-misogyny-in-the-black-community/ Michael Kimmel Masculinity as Homophobia
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Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Code Date Black Masculinity Question 1: Summary of the Reading Kimmel claims that American males are socialized into a limiting and rigid definition of masculinity. This type of masculinity is accompanied by fear of being ridiculed as feminine by other males, leading to exclusionary and homophobic masculinity (Kimmel 147). Kimmel inquired about the politics of inclusion or expansion of the definition of manhood to fight the gender struggle. The article was written in 1994 when gender definition and the roles of masculinity were under serious scrutiny. Homophobia, the fear of being seen as gay, forced men to embroider traditional masculinity rules such as sexual predation with ladies (Kimmel 148). Additionally, the period encompassed raising awareness of LGBTQ+ rights and gender concerns even though homophobia was still present. Black Americans were faced with several issues, including social and economic disparities, systematic racism, and the fight to obtain social justice. Question 2: Identification of Problem or Issue The author recognizes the issue of homophobia and fear of the notion of being described as feminine among men. Kimmel argues that homophobia encompasses the fear of other men unmasking, emasculating, and revealing to the world about femininity. Homophobia includes harassment, prejudice, and discrimination resulting from hatred and fear (Toliver 2:34-2:42). The author argues that this fear makes homophobic people ashamed since the recognition of fear in these individuals is proof of themselves not being manly. However, this fear prolongs a slim and damaging definition of masculinity. The issue of homophobia is mainly associated with men, especially those who have the urge to follow traditional masculine norms. Nevertheless, the problem of homophobia also affects LGBTQ+ fol...
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